Wednesday, April 13, 2011

#54: A great ending to a horrible day

That's furniture! Well, new to me and Phil. My dad surprised me today by asking me if I wanted his leather couch and chair. Uhhh YEAH! Of course I want it. It's awesome!

Okay, but that's just the awesome ending. Now for the horrible rest of the day:

I had to open at work this morning. No big deal, really. Well today my stomach was acting up. It was not being pleasant to me at all, and I felt absolutely miserable. On top of that, I decided that it would be a great time to stop drinking caffeine. Maybe I was having one of those crazy moments, I'm not really sure. But it was a dumb idea. By about 2:00 p.m my head hurt so bad I thought it might explode. No one had any Tylenol or any kind of medicine at all. I felt doomed.
Finally the next manager came in at 4:30. I asked if she'd be okay if I left early since I felt like crap, and she didn't seem to mind. So I did. By then I was starting to feel queasy.

I got in my car and remember that I needed to get gas...I thought I was running out on the way to work this morning. Well, I drove a few feet and the car died.  I WAS running out of gas this morning.
Crap! No literally...I felt like I was going to poop my pants, my stomach was hurting so bad. I texted my dad to tell him I was out of gas and needed help, and my younger brother came to save the day. In the meantime, I needed to take care of this caffeine headache and this disturbance in my stomach.
I went back inside to get coffee from Gloria Jeans. Maybe that would help. Well just my luck, I forgot my wallet at home. I wouldn't have been able to get gas anyway!
As I was leaving to go  back to my car, I felt this overwhelming urge in my stomach. I felt like I was going to have diarrhea and throw up at the same time. I managed to make it to the bathroom....and...well, that's just what happened. It wasn't pretty. It was absolutely horrible.
I went back out to the car to await my rescue.
Jake finally came and put a bit of gas in my tank and then we went to my house where I preceded to take lots of medicine and laid down while we waited for my dad to come and bring me my awesome new furniture.

And now... I feel so elated that we actually have real furniture! I've never had a matching couch and chair before, so this is totally awesome! I feel like a real grown up for some odd reason.


  1. No one can fault for for not sharing personal information on your blog....

    That is awesome about the furniture, though!

  2. You love my personal information!
