Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More on Breastfeeding

I never thought I would have this much trouble. I heard about moms that had problems with breastfeeding and eventually just switched to formula. In my judgmental little mind, I thought that was the easy way out. Why give up? Keep at it and it'll work out. After all, breast is best!

But honestly, there's more to it than that. Let me share my breastfeeding woes, and why I will finally exclusively formula feed my baby.

At first, I thought it was my milk. Jaelyn was always super fussy. She cried a lot. I switched from milk to soy. Nothing changed. I finally cut out all dairy. Still no change. I thought that maybe she just wasn't a happy baby. Maybe I was blessed with the temperamental child.

A couple of weeks ago I hit my breaking point. Jaelyn was a screaming maniac. I didn't know what was wrong. I was beside myself. We were both crying and miserable. Phil promptly sent me and the baby to my  moms (you're NEVER too old to need your mom). In his words "I'm not trying to get rid of you. I just know that you need more help. You need your mom". Spot on, Kemp.

I went to my moms, and she also deduced that she sounded like she was crying out in pain. At my wits end, I finally agreed to try formula. Maybe it was my milk after all. I got the Sobee Soy for Sensitive Tummies, and she guzzled down 4 oz. 4 ounces!! I realized then that she wasn't getting enough breast milk. I only produce about 2 ounces every 3 hours. And come to think of it, at her last doctor's appointment, her percentile for weight had dropped. *light bulb*

After a few days of formula, I tried breast milk for a day. 4 ounce bottles this time. She did great. She's a whole new baby!

So, it was and wasn't my milk. She wasn't allergic to anything I was eating, she just wasn't getting enough of it. Low milk supply.

So why did I decide to switch to formula then?

Here is what I tried:
-Pumping ever 2-3 hours
-Drinking plenty of fluids
-Drinking a cup of Mother's Milk tea 4-6 times a day
-Taking fenugreek
-Taking marshmallow root

None of it worked to increase my supply. And honestly...it got to be too much. I became like a crazy person trying to increase my milk supply. Perhaps it was the stress of the whole situation that cause it to not increase? I don't know.

I have just been miserable with the whole thing. And that's not okay. I don't want my frustrations with breastfeeding to come across as frustrations with the baby or with Phil. Which it has.

So, I'm slowly weening myself. I still pump every once in awhile, and Jaelyn does still get some expressed breast milk. But soon...we will be on formula only.

It's a slow process for me to come to terms with this. But...I am coming to terms with this.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Stinkin Timeline

Today I got on facebook only to discover that I now have Timeline. It's annoying to me because I have worked so hard NOT to get it. I even avoided signing up to get Pinterest because I knew that it caused facebook to turn to Timeline. And then, Pinterest allowed membership with your email, and I was happy with myself for waiting it out. But now... stinkin timeline found me!

On the bright side though, I found this old "note" I had written back in 2008, and it totally cracked me up. Who knew I was so weird?!

What I did today:

I started my morning off right: I got myself a fresh cup of coffee and some cookie crisp cereal and I chatted with my dad. We contemplated skipping out on what we needed to do for the day (school for me and work for my dad), but reluctantly we decided to wait for a different day. I got ready for school by doing my usual routine: sang to the radio, had a conversation with the people on the radio (even though they never respond back to me), gulped down more coffee and just basically meandered through the house, thinking of different excuses for skipping class.
Then I drove to school, had even more coffee (I brought my little travel mug) and promptly waltzed into class five minutes late (it’s okay… we all do it, even the professor). Then I doodled on my pages, sent several picture texts to different people expressing my boredom and exasperation for being there, made up some answers for my lab report and headed home (I actually think that I left class early today… on accident of course. We might not have been all the way done; it might have just been a short break…). 
Then I came home and got on the computer. I figured that somebody must have sent me an email or something while I was gone for that short period of time. Checking my mail is always the highlight of my day. Unless, of course, it’s just stupid spam that somehow sneaks into my inbox instead of going straight to the spam box. I hate when that happens. When I was done checking my mail and facebook (of course facebook), I used the awesome “stumble upon” button and browsed various websites. Then I just googled some random things like “cheeseburger kitten” and “becoming a vegetarian”. I got on the postsecret website, but was bummed cause I’d already read those ones and decided to play a rousing game of Spider Solitaire. I love that game! But all that got boring really fast. So, I spun around in my computer chair until I nearly fell over and cracked my head on the desk. Lying on the bed seemed like the most logical thing to do next, especially since my head was spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up.
And that… yes, that is what I spend my days doing. Sometimes in different orders though, and sometimes I do a little homework in between (and I don't normally take the chair for a spin, that was totally spontaneous!). But that’s basically it.

I need to get out more…

And this picture justs cracks me up...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Date Night and a Poop Story

After nearly 3 months, Phil and I finally had a date night. It's my fault it's been so long. I just can't imagine leaving my little baby. Also, she's very temperamental at times, and I get nervous for other people to watch her. For their own sake, not necessarily hers.

Okay, truthfully...I'm a new mom. And I don't trust other people to take care of her as well as I do. There, I said it.

But then I got this great idea! Jaelyn goes to bed at 7, and almost always sleeps until at least 11 before she wakes up to eat. So, I decided that the best plan would be for someone to come over when she goes to bed.
I coaxed my little brother (the 19 year old, not the 2 year old...) to do it, and he agreed as long as she stayed asleep. Uhhh, okay.
I definitely sounded like a new mom as I rattled off detailed plans of action should ANY possible situation occur.
As Phil was pulling me out the door, I yelled one last "Call if anything happens. Or if anything doesn't happen!". And we were off to the place where they grow the olives.

We decided we wouldn't talk about the baby, that we would focus on ourselves. 5 minutes into our date we were discussing Jaelyn's poop habits. Only parents, right?

The date was fun. It was nice to get away with just Phil and not have to worry about a fussy baby or anything like that. But after dinner we decided to head home. Turns out, we are old parents now. We get tired around 8pm and we take joy in our sleep. After all, as the old (and very annoying) saying goes we must "Sleep when the baby sleeps".

That was date night. Not the poop story. Here is the poop story:

J hadn't pooped in 10 days. I finally called the doctor and she suggested coming in for a check up. After examining her the doctor determined that she is still very healthy, but for whatever reason she is holding in her poop. Huh? Can babies even do that? Apparently this one can. Like I said...she's advanced!
We took her home and gave her a baby suppository. No fun. But she took it like a trooper!

The Dr said that she should poop within 1-2 hours, and to call after 2 hours to update her. Well, 2 hours came and went and still no sign of poops. I called and talked to the nurse. She said to call back tomorrow and give an update and we would take it from there.
As soon as I got off the phone I went to change Jaelyn's diaper because it was wet. AS SOON AS I took off her diaper she had a massive poop explosion! MASSIVE!
I think she did it on purpose. She waited until her prime opportunity and then just let it all out. Master plan? I think so. It was her plan for the last ten days.

I've got a tricky one on my hands!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Today I noticed that Jaelyn seems to be chewing on things a lot more. When I give her a bottle, she is really more interested in chewing on the nipple than drinking the milk.
Then something clicked in my sleep deprived brain: teething!

I looked up the signs for teething and found several articles. First, there was an article stating that infants don't actually show symptoms of teething. That when babies start teething their immune system is down and that's when they start showing "symptoms". Uhhh...same thing.
Another article said that babies don't start teething until they are older. Older than 2 1/2 months.

Well, after reading the signs/symptoms of teething...I'm almost certain that's what's going on.

What To Expect- 5 Signs of Teething:

1. Drooling. You might find that your baby's shirts are suddenly soggy. Fasten on a bib to keep her more comfortable (and cleaner), and gently wipe her chin throughout the day to stave off chapping (if that doesn't work, ask your doctor about a mild moisturizer such as Aquaphor or even Lansinoh nipple cream). Pooling saliva may also cause a slight cough or even trigger the gag reflex. If she's otherwise healthy, you can safely ignore both.

2. Gnawing. She's not trying to be naughty. Little nips at your fingers, breast (ouch!), or her spoon help relieve the pressure she feels from under her gums.

3. Crying. Some babies breeze through teething with nary a whimper, while others suffer from a good deal of pain — which they feel compelled to share with you in the form of whining or crying. Talk to your doctor about when to administer pain relievers such as infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

4. Fasting. Since sucking movements can worsen teething pressure or pain, your baby may refuse to nurse or eat, or may nurse briefly and then turn away. Keep at it, and call your pediatrician if the strike lasts more than a few days.

5. Waking. Especially when she's working on cutting that very first tooth, your baby may fuss during the night as well as during the day, so be prepared for a little extra crib-side duty for a while.

Those symptoms describe my baby exactly! So regardless of what the other articles say, I'm convinced that my 11 week old baby is teething.

With that said, here is a picture of this sweet girl:

Breastfeeding difficulties

The past few days have been a little difficult and frustrating. For whatever reason, Jaelyn has decided that there are times when she isn't interested in breastfeeding. I've tried researching stuff online, but have really come up with nothing.
Finally I talked to a lactation consultant. She thought that maybe my milk supply was low, or that I have a slow letdown and Jaelyn is just getting frustrated when she nurses because she isn't getting it as fast as she would like.
This is what she does now: She will latch on and nurse for a few minutes. 5 at the most. Then she will turn her head and pull away, latch back on for one to two seconds, pull off and turn away. She continues to do this until she is just so frustrated she starts to cry.Then I get frustrated and start to cry.
Just kidding. But there are times that I feel like it.

So the lactation consultant suggested I pump every 3 hours for the next week to see if I can get my milk supply back up. Easier said than done!

The last few nights Jaelyn has not been sleeping so great. Last night she decided to get up ever 2 hours. So with pumping every 3 hours and Jaelyn waking every 2 hours...I haven't gotten much sleep.

I've seriously been contemplating switching to formula. I really don't want to. Let's just be honest, it's so  much more convenient to just breastfeed your infant then it is to mix formula and heat up a bottle. I'm also super selfish and like the idea of losing weight because of breastfeeding.
And of course, I know that it is just healthier and better all around to continue breastfeeding. Breast is Best, afterall!
But if she's not eating well, and something is wrong, then I don't want to continue doing it.

I will continue to pump for a few more days and see if things get better. If not, it's time to reevaluate things.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mom Jeans...

I totally get mom jeans now.

Yesterday I was looking at myself in the mirror and I thought "I sure wish I could cover up this belly fat", as I tugged my jeans up higher and higher. And then it dawned on me...mom jeans!

It all makes so much sense now! Even though I have lost all of my baby weight (took 2 months!), my stomach looks...well, different. Muffin top explains it quite well. I can fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans, but I don't like the way I look in them.

I will never wear mom jeans, but after becoming a mom myself, I can say that it's definitely tempting.

Friday, August 3, 2012

All about Jaelyn

From day one Jaelyn has let her personality shine. She arrived on the scene with an attitude as big as her 7lb 9.5oz body, and it's only grown along with her. It has definitely been interesting learning the ins and outs of a brand new person.

I have a dramatic and a very particular baby. She wants what she wants when she wants it, and if she is in a mood, she will let everyone know. When she is happy, her face lights up and her grin is as big as her head (and we all know how big an infants head is!). She squeals with delight and her limbs shake excitedly.
When she is angry her whole body tightens up, her face turns bright red and she lets out an ear-piercing scream. It's lovely.

Jaelyn is a crier. Sometimes I think that she enjoys crying. I've gotten quite accustomed to it now, but at first it was very stressful. I wanted to fix her. I wanted her to stop crying. But now...that's just who she is. She doesn't cry as much as she did when she first arrived on the scene, but she still has her moments. And I'm okay with that.

I love her personality! Here are some things I have learned about my baby:

*She fights her sleep:
     I don't know what it is, but this child fights her sleep like no other. When she's falling asleep and doesn't want to, she will shake her head violently from side to side, and flail her tiny arms. If she is soothing herself with a pacifier, she will spit it out.
Luckily I have learned her little tricks. When she starts shaking her head and swinging her arms, I simply hold her still. And when she's trying to spit out her paci, I will just hold it in her mouth. She just can't win. She gives in every time and eventually falls asleep.

*She loves to be held:
     This baby LOVES to be held. If she could have it her way all the time, she would never be put down. And of course I don't mind holding her, but sometimes I just can't get thing done that way. So I will either put her in the moby wrap, or I will set her in her swing. She's learning to be okay with sitting by herself, and even goes through longer periods of contentment by herself.

*She is a night owl:
     Jaelyn LOVES to be up late. I have been trying and trying to get this kid to go to bed early, but she always wakes up after 15-20 minutes. She is typically out for the night between 11-12. The upside of that is that she will often sleep in. So at least we have that going for us. But if we have to be somewhere in the morning...not so great!

*She actually watches t.v.:
     I had no idea that a 2 month old would actually watch the television. I know it's because there are so many different colors and pictures and movements happening. Not to mention the sound. But it's still quite amazing to me. And I know that I said I would never sit my kid in front of the t.v., but I will just be honest here and say that there have been times that I have done that. I sit her in her swing or her bumbo, turn on Sesame Street or Rugrats, and then I am able to fold  load of laundry or wash some dishes before she is ready to do something else.

*She coughs for attention:
     Okay, I don't know that she is actually coughing because she wants attention, but it sure does seem like it. When I'm not paying attention to her, she will cough three times. Obviously it always gets my attention. My baby is coughing. Something must be wrong. Oh no. She coughs and then just looks at me. I swear she is doing it on purpose!

*She is advanced:
     Phil and I like to joke that our baby is so advanced. Anytime she does anything...and I mean ANYTHING, we will say "She is SO advanced!". She can drool or spit up: So advanced. She can hiccup: So advanced. Even her farts are SO advanced (seriously though, her poor little baby farts smell like a grown mans. Disgusting!) Sometimes I forget that other people aren't in on the joke, and I will tell complete strangers how advanced my baby is.
Wouldn't it be funny if we did this her whole life? When she is 19 we will be telling people how advanced our kid is!

I just love this girl! And I can't wait to learn more and more about her! Every day I find out something new. And every day it seems she is learning something new as well. Just today she "rolled over". More like she fell over. But still....she did it! She is so advanced!

Here's the video to prove it: