Sunday, June 19, 2016

A Letter to my Husband on Father's Day

Dear Phillip,

I remember sitting in the Warehouse on our college campus, talking about our hopes and dreams, our passions, what we wanted to do with our lives. You were a business major. I was a missions major. We talked in length about how are dreams and our passions could actually fit together.
From the beginning you had direction. Sometimes it didn't appear that way to others looking in. Sometimes we were uncertain ourselves. But deep down, you knew. You knew where you were headed, you knew what you wanted to do. You had drive.

And while we got caught up in all things life, you still set your sights on what you knew God was calling you to do. When family thought we were just a bit crazy to be pursuing missions as a career choice, when we seemed stuck in dead end jobs just trying to make ends meet, when we continued to reproduce little people and people really thought we were crazy, when seemingly endless obstacles continued to bombard us in countless pressed on.

Through all of that you held on. You may not have known exactly where God was leading us, but you did know that God was leading us. You may have had your doubts at times, but you still followed God with all of your heart, with all of your passion. You gave Him everything. And in turn, you gave me everything.

I didn't marry you because I thought you would buy me all the fancy things. I didn't marry you because I knew we would be living a grand life or because I thought I would get everything I ever wanted. I didn't marry you because everyone wanted us to and thought we should be together. I married you because of your character, because of your heart, and because of your desire to serve God.

I had an inkling our life wouldn't be normal. Deep down I knew it wouldn't be easy. But I knew that God was the center of your life, and I knew that I needed that in a husband more than anything else.
Because of you, I'm a better me. You've been patient with me, kind towards, loving and full of generosity. You take the time to draw things out of me, knowing it's not something I do well. You speak gently to me, even when we are arguing. You are quick to apologize and you long to reconcile when we are not on one accord. You are my shelter, my protector, the man that has my heart.

All of these things that you are to me, you are to our children as well. You are kind and patient with them, though you don't think you are. You are loving and affectionate towards them. They adore you. When you take them out on little dates, it melts my heart. When you get down on the floor with them so you can be their human jungle gym, I can't help but smile. You are creating a place for them to feel confident and strong, but also where they can have security in feeling scared and vulnerable. You are their hero, the man that loves them undconditionally, their dad.

My heart could burst into a thousand pieces with all the respect I have for you, the love that wells up inside of me, the joy I have in being your wife. I'm beyond blessed that you are the father of our children, that you are our provider, that you care so deeply for us. I cherish you and the way you treat these kids, the way you love us, the way you faithfully and diligently provide for us without ever complaining.

I'm the luckliest girl in the world.

Thank you for being my husband and for being the father of our beautiful children.

You make us smile and laugh every day.
You teach us the important things in life.
You provide for our needs and wants.
You love God and seek Him with every part of you.
You work hard.
You are diligent.
You are kind and caring and compassionate.
You are loving and respectful.
You are a respected man.
You are faithful.
You are driven and you are successful.
You are a hero.
You are adored by your children.
You are my love.