Wednesday, April 6, 2011

#47: Annoying Rug

I got this rug at the dollar store (not for a $1, how weird) because I thought that it would go perfect in front of the door. It matches the living room, and I also wanted a place to wipe our muddy shoes (not that I would be happy with mud on my rug).
Unfortunately though, my plans for this rug have backfired. This thing has caused me nothing but grief. It looks great in front of the door, but when someone tries to open the door, the stupid rug gets stuck and tries to fold over for whatever reason. And then the rug gets jammed underneath the door and I'm either stuck inside the house or stuck outside. I've managed to work around this issue for awhile now by just moving the rug about a few inches away from the door. It may look silly, but it's still in front of the door where it belongs.
Well, not anymore! Today I was running late for work and this rug just had to get stuck under the door! I was so frustrated that I just threw the rug across the room.
It's still in that same spot. The spot I took the picture in. I'm not sure if I'll move it back.

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