Thursday, November 5, 2009
Getting Hitched!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Finally a Job
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Pleasant Surprise
I also came here thinking I was getting away for two months. But again, things don't often turn out the way I planned. When the missionary purchased my ticket for me, he made it for the wrong return day. And so... surprise surprise!... I am home at the beginning of October and not the end. Yes, that's correct, I'm home now. I wanted to surprise everyone, and for the most part I have. It's been great!
I'm really glad to be home. I had mixed feelings- I really loved my time there. But I'm also happy to be back. I'm ready to find what's right around the corner from me- to help meet the needs in my own neighborhood- to do what I can for the people that are right here.
Thanks again for all your prayers and also your emails. They were really encouraging and it's something I needed at the beginning of my trip. Also, just because I'm back in the States, it doesn't mean my journey is done. I believe we're all on a journey, striving to live out the passion that is stirring up in us. I will continue to blog about my passions, my struggles and whatever experiences life throws my way.
Also... on an unrelated note- I have a job interview on Monday, and I really hope I get it!!
Here are some more pics from my trip:

Hanging out on the roof with Skylar and Nicole

Playing cards (obviously)
Hanging out with the family... watching Biggest Loser.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Larger Picture
All the "Princessas"
I guess my point in writing this is simply that God has the big picture. We only get glimpses of a small portion. Somtimes we're able to see a little extra. I have been blessed by getting to see a little extra here in Trujillo. I have seen this project go from a big idea that seemed impossible to accomplish, to a project that is impacting thousands of people in and around Trujillo. But more than that... I have seen hope. My last blog was filled with despair. I felt, and still do feel, overwhelmed by the immense poverty here. And I wondered if anything could be done. And while this project has in no way eradicated poverty from Trujillo, there is hope. And it's only fitting that this projects name is "Proyecto Nueva Esperanza", or in English "Project New Hope".
I would also like to tell you about one of the highlights of my time here. I went back to one of the barrios that I, of course, hadn't been to in 3 years. I was just standing there talking with some lady. Suddenly these two girls run up to me. The older one asks me if my name is Sarah. I said yes and she looks back to where some ladies are sitting, just staring at me. She nods yes to them and they all smile and start chatting again. Then the girl hugged me. It was Flor. We had hung out before. Don't tell anyone, but when the teams would come in to do construction projects, I would often sneak off and hang out with the kids. I couldn't believe that she remembered me. It was years ago and there have been so many different Americans that have come here to help out. I was elated. I was humbled. It was one of the highlights of this whole trip.
Me with Flor and her sister (Flor is on the right)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Garbage Dump Life
But what about the bathroom? I always find myself, like most people in the West, wondering where the nearest clean bathroom is. As often happens when living in a place with unclean water, sometimes it becomes necessary (urgent even) to run to the bathroom. But in the barrios the nearest bathroom is simply behind your house. You go outside, do your business and then cover it up with sand. You don't have to be in the medical field to know that that's not sanitary- that that's how diseases are spread.
In some barrios though, there is an actual toilet. usually just one though, for the whole community to share. But even that one toilet is a rare commodity. And what happens when you have bad diarrhea in the middle of the night? These are the living conditions in the barrios. But it gets worse. Would you believe it if I told you that the barrios were a step up from the way that many people live here?
We were leaving one of the barrios where we had put in a type of septic system for the only toilet there. Jaime wanted to show us the garbage dumps. We drove around for awhile looking at various dumps with heaps and heaps of trash. People just dumped wherever, they just threw their trash wherever they saw fit. At first I was really frustrated. Why do people just throw their trash wherever they want to? Why isn't somebody doing something about the massive piles and piles of garbage? These people could live much better lives, with less sickness and disease if they weren't dumping their trash next to their homes.
Those were all the thoughts going through my head at first. But then... I began to realize that without the dumps a lot of people would die. People scrounge for food through all of that trash. And some people will collect different things to hopefully sell for a small amount of money. I even noticed that some people live in the garbage dumps. Can you imagine living in garbage? Having your children born and raised in a dump? Allowing them to romp through it, not just to play, but to survive? This is their way of life. These people are doing just that. When a new load of trash comes in, people fight each other for it.
Now if that doesn't make you want to weep, I do'nt know what would. I don't know what to make of this. I don't know how to wrap my mind around it. I don't want to become desensitized to it all. Yet how do I have compassion without my heard breaking to pieces? But something has to be done. This was never God's intention. And as much as it breaks my heart to see it, I know it hurts God so much more. Those are his children suffering and pilfering through trash in order to survive. Something has to change. What can possibly be done? Who can help them? Compassion is one thing, but compassion with action is only pity. And pity gets us nowhere.
And searching for food in the piles of trash
Their clothes are tattered and they're covered in sand
A baby among them, to young to even stand
Dirt covered faces and lice infested hair
They scour the trash piles with feet that are bare
They wrestle each other for a black piece of bread
The obvious winner decides to share it instead
One by one they grab a tiny piece
Their eyes light up as if it's a giant feast
Some eat it quickly out of excitement or fear
But some save it for later, it needs to be shared
These children are young, no older than five
Born into these dumps with a need to survive
Too poor for education, no hope for success
This cycle of poverty is a never ending process
From generation to generation the same families exist
Is it only to toil and suffer and perish?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Healing is such a slow process, slower than we would like it to be. But it's in that process that God will ultimately make us stronger. It's through the healing process that we are then able to reach out to those around us, who may also be struggling.
The cruelest world
The coldest heart
The deepest wound
The endless dark
The lonely ache
The burning tears
The bitter nights
The wasted years
Life breaks and falls apart
But we know these are
Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilled
It may be unrestored
But when anything that's shattered is laid before the Lord
Just watch and see
It will not be unredeemed
For every choice that led to shame
And all the love that never came
For every vow that someone broke
And every lie that gave up hope
We live in the shadow of the fall
But the cross says these are all
Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilled
It may be unrestored
But when anything that's shattered is laid before the Lord
Just watch and see
It will not be unredeemed
Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilled
It may be unrestored
But you never know the miracle the Father has in store
Just watch and see
It will not be
Just watch and see
It will not be unredeemed
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Burning Bush
On a completely unrelated note.... Here are some pictures for those of you who want to see my face again :)

Breakfast with the ladies- after a Baptism in the Ocean!


Monday, September 7, 2009
Time wounds all heals
After getting here and settling down, I realized that part of the reason I came here was simply to run away from the things that were making me sad and causing me such pain. Don't get me wrong, I also came because this is my passion. Afterall, I did go to school for this. I just know that God had his hand in this in more ways then I could have ever imagined.
I'm going to share a bit of my story because I believe that honesty and openness brings healing. And I no longer want to wear a mask that covers my feelings and all of my emotions. God created us to be emotional beings and he created us to be in community. So I'm going to share my feelings with this small community of people who may be reading this.
I left Africa feeling hurt and confused and very angry. I knew that coming back was the right thing to do, but it was still frustrating to me. I finished up my internship at a homeless shelter, but it's not what I wanted at all. From the beginning I had a bad attitude about it and I let that ruin the whole experience.
But instead of dealing with the issues that were actually bothering me- like the lady at the Mission tried to get me to do- I simply kept it all in and became pretty bitter and more upset. I thought maybe time would heal the wounds I had. But after awhile I just felt so unhappy. Leaving Africa, interning at a place I didn't enjoy, and finishing school without figuring out what I really wanted to do with my life... it all just really got to me. But more than that I was really struggling with trying to piece together my broken heart. I felt like nothing would ever be the same again.
I didn't want anyone to know that I really wasn't okay. So I just put on my "everything's perfect" mask. Only my pillow knew how I truly felt as I often cried myself to sleep, stifling my sob so no one else would hear. I am sure that some people knew that I wasn't really okay- at least those closest to me. But still I was pretending. I think mostly I was trying to trick myself into thinking I was fine.
I just felt like I needed to get away. Or, more accurately, I wanted to run away. I thought that if maybe I was someplace else, busy doing other things, that I wouldn't think about it and all would be great. Boy was I wrong! I really like how God sometimes lets us run with our ideas only to have it be the opposite of what we expected. God is so awesome because he knows exactly what we need and he'll even use our clumsy and misguided plans to teach us.
So, I came to Peru thinking I was escaping things back home, only to find that God had other plans. Now, instead of being busy and forgetting all my worries, I've had so much downtime and so much time to simply think.
Plus, I'm in another culture all by myself. Which can make it a little bit lonely at times. So there... it was just me and my thoughts/feelings alone with God.
How funny You are Lord!
This week has been really painful as I've faced all the things I've run from for so long. But it has also been good because this is exactly what I have needed. I've really been praying and reading God's word and simply listening. It's a slow process, but I'm so thankful for it. I came running away, but ultimately God's purpose was for healing.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Final Destination
The host family that I am staying with is just awesome. They are easy to talk to and make me feel so comfortable. I'm so grateful that they have opened up their home to me. They actually just moved here from Arizona about five months ago. The funny thing is that they were on one of the short term trips that I helped organize here three years ago. They came back the next two years also and decided that they wanted to be missionaries. Everything just sort of fell into place and here they are.
I can hear them downstairs right now learning the language. Every morning their Spanish teacher comes over and they study for several hours a day. I think I may have to join them later.
I am so blessed because I have access to the internet and also a free phone. Yes, that's right... FREE! That means anyone can call me if they would like. It's an Arizona number, so if you call from your cell it will be free, but if you call from a home phone it will be like calling to Arizona. But who has landlines anymore, right? Here is the number: 623-444-2964
If someone else answers (which I'm sure they will because I'm not about to answer someone else's phone. How awkward would that be?) then just ask for me.
Well, I am about to leave now. I am going to the barrio with Danell this morning. Just jumping right in. Just what I love!!
Thank you for your prayers!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Here is my itinerary (I will depart on September 1st):
Leave Chicago O'Hare at 5:25pm
arrive in Miami at 9:25pm
Leave Miami at 7:35am (Sept 2nd)
arrive in Bogota, Colombia at 10:00am
Leave Bogota at 1:40pm
arrive in Lima, Peru at 4:35pm
Leave Lima at 8:35pm
arrive in Trujillo at 9:45 (Sept 2nd)
The only thing that I am a little reserved about is that I have such a long layover at the airport in Miami.
I am excited that none of my flights are longer than 4 hours. Sitting on an airplane is not very fun or exciting. So several short flights are better than one or two really long flights.
Please be in prayer with me as I travel. It's always a little nerve-racking to travel alone to another country. And seeing as how I always manage to get lost while I'm driving, I always get nervous that I'm going to get lost in an aiport. That really would not be fun (especially in another country). But I am blonde, so these things do happen.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Let the Countdown Begin
All of this is happening so fast that it is making my head spin a little bit. It's almost like it's not real. I have been so blessed with how quickly it all came together.
To be completely honest, I really wanted to go back to Kenya. I even emailed the missionaries there before I ever even considered going to Peru. I just felt like I never got to finish what I had gone there for. But I never heard back from them. And then, when I was just about to throw in the towel, I couldn't stop thinking about Peru and the missionaries there. So I just emailed them. And in less than 2 weeks everything came together so perfectly. Thank you Lord, for this Blessing!
I'm really not entirely sure what I will do once I'm there. I know it has something to do with community development. But that is such a broad category. The last time I was there they worked a lot in the different barrios by sharing the gospel, doing feeding programs for the kids, getting the children sponsored so they could go to school, started churches and different house groups, etc. I wonder if it will be relatively similar to that.
In any case, I'm just extremely excited about going back to Trujillo.
I'll keep this updated throughout the trip. And as it gets closer to my departure, I'll put up my itinerary. Please pray with me as I prepare for this.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sarah the Missionary
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wake up Call
Friday, June 19, 2009
Losing my passion
Friday, May 29, 2009
In a rut
Monday, May 11, 2009
Well what now?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Crossing the Finish Line...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hit on and Run over
For starters, this somewhat creepy and very old guy started blowing kisses at me through the window before he ever even got into the building. I just shook my head no and continued on with what I was doing. When he finally got into the building, he made his way over to me and proceeded to explain to me that he wasn't going to bother me. Well okay then. But through the duration of his meal he continued to stare at me.
This other gentlemen, who informed me that he was 30 years old, tried everything in the book to get my phone number. When I explained to him that I had a boyfriend, he asked how long we had been dating, if I really loved him and if he loved me. He then told me that he wanted to try and break us up. Unfortunately for me, this guy stuck around for about an hour trying to get my number.
I must say that I don't think I have ever felt more awkward and uncomfortable while doing volunteer work. I didn't mind the work so much, but I just felt self-conscious and very uncomfortable as these grown men stared at me and said very inappropriate things to me.
And, to top it all off... this lady in an electric wheelchair ran right over me! Not only did she run over me, but she did so while I was trying to get HER some food. :) It was quite comical. Very painful, but pretty funny too. I'm still not entirely sure why she ran over me.
The somewhat creepy and very old guy returned again for the second meal. He stared at me the entire time again- and again told me that he wasn't going to bother me.
Oh the life of an intern...
Monday, April 20, 2009
A Glorious Reunion
When we walked in the church we saw a guy that we went to college with- who happens to work there. We told him why we were there and then he asked us if we wanted to go backstage and see Mary. Of course we said yes. So he took us back where she was. As soon as we walked in, she just stared at us. Then immediately got up and her eyes starting watering. I didn't know that she had no idea we were coming. We totally surprised her.
Oh my gosh... seeing Mary again brought back a flood of memories and emotions. We just kept hugging each other. She couldn't believe I was there. She said "Oh Sarah...". And a little bit later she said "You made it back." I never got her email address, so she hasn't heard from me since I left Kenya so suddenly that night back in January. It was a glorious reunion indeed.
Some days, like Saturday, I just wish so badly that I had never left Kenya.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Food Bank
Today at the Food Bank I had the opportunity to go with to participate in the hunger study. I guess they go out to the different shelters, soup kitchens and food pantries and conduct surveys with some of the people that use those services. I was able to interview some of the people, which was quite the experience. The people were very candid about their answers (the majority of them anyway), and had no qualms about explaining their living situations. I was actually pretty disheartened by many of the answers as I realized the magnitude of this problem. While there may not be a ton of people that are necessarily homeless, the sad reality is that there are so many people (in the Springfield area alone) that struggle to feed and clothe themselves and their children. It was sad sitting there, listening to the answers of some of these questions. ‘Do you ever have to choose between paying for food and paying for rent?’ ‘Do you ever have to skip a meal because you don’t have money for food?’ Do your children ever have to skip a meal because you don’t have money for food?’. It’s heartbreaking to hear them answer yes to these questions and so many more like it.
I guess the saddest part of the whole thing is that people’s stereotypes of who the homeless/poor are is way off. While there are some people that become homeless because of their drug/alcohol addictions, the truth of the matter is that many people become homeless because of situations out of their control- they lose their job do to an injury, layoffs, or the company closing down and they are unable to find work some place else/Those that are poor are not poor because they are just lazy and don’t want to get a job. They may have suddenly lost a job, become ill, had a relative die and have to take care of their child(ren), etc. There are many circumstances that cause people to become homeless/poor- usually situations that are out of their control and hard to get out of.
But it was also encouraging to know that there are different organizations and agencies that will come along side these families and offer their services for free. But still, it doesn’t seem like enough. How are handouts going to break the cycle of poverty?
Monday, April 13, 2009
Feeling Appreciated
Feeling Appreciated
These past few months have had their many ups and downs. It has been a very trying and often discouraging experience, but it has also been pretty life changing in a few areas. I have a better idea of what I want to do when I graduate (which is only a month away!), which involves doing some type of community outreach with the homeless. I have been given the opportunity to have a wide range of experience working with the homeless in
This week I have been working at Contact Ministries, which is another homeless outreach organization. This experience was much different from working at the
Working at Contact was an awesome experience. It helped me to see a totally different perspective on ministering to people- I just loved being there. And quite honestly, I didn’t want to leave. It just rekindled my passion for doing homeless ministry and having some type of outreach program for the community. I love this type of work and I’m praying that I can found a job where I can do this all the time.
I guess one of the other reasons that I really loved working at Contact was because I felt like I was actually needed. Or useful. I was busy pretty much all day long- constantly running around and doing stuff or getting things. The women I worked with were really fun to be around and I just felt like I was a part of what they were doing. They didn’t make me feel like I was in the way or that I was bothering them by asking so many questions. I just felt appreciated.
This week I will be working at the Food Bank. I’m really not sure what I’ll be doing there. When I went there a few weeks ago it really just seemed like there was a lot of stocking foods and stuff going on- but not much else. Of course, I only saw a brief part of it. So hopefully I’ll actually be doing something.
So, I’ve had a few emails from people that they can’t leave me comments on here. Sorry about that. I forgot to change my settings to allow those that don’t have a username to be able to comment. Just comment as name/url and type your name. Let me know if it works.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Since being here, I've learned how true it is that laughter is the best medicine. Because without laughter, I think lives would fall apart. I think people would be so overcome by the grief in their lives and the lives they see all around them that they would literally just fall apart.
The staff and the residents have also learned this lesson. I think that sometimes we frighten visitors that come in because we seem to always be laughing and cracking jokes- where most people think that it is out of place and we should be a little bit more serious and a little bit more somber at a homeless shelter. But the truth of the matter is- half the time we have to laugh to keep from crying. The amount of pain and heartache and brokenness that come through these doors is almost unbearable at times. And I think that God has given us laughter to begin the healing process.
As I mentioned a while ago, I get to do case management with two of the ladies that live here. Basically I just meet one-on-one with them each week, check up on how they are doing and help them out if they are in need of anything. What I didn't mention is that one of the ladies suffers from Schizophrenia. Her story is sad and terrible- the life she has endured seems to come straight out of a horror story. The sheer amount of torture, abuse and betrayal that she has gone through has damaged her mind so badly that she is a grown woman with the mindset of a 6 year old- a very paranoid woman that is in desperate need of help.
I love this lady. I think she may be the funniest person I have ever met. I enjoy spending time with her, getting to know her and laughing uncontrollably with her (like when she had her shirt on inside out at the doctors office and we desperately scrambled to get it the right way before the doctor opened the door. We were almost rolling on the floor in laughter). But I also stress over her- she has a serious condition and it is evident in the way she behaves and thinks sometimes. She's certain people are after her- that's why she won't allow anyone to take her picture. She believes that different things are wrong with her (for example, she has bugs in her eyes) and doesn't believe anyone (including doctors) that there is nothing there. She sees and talks to this particular man- who the staff have come to understand is Satan. According to her, this man loves her. But he also (from what I've gathered) wants to harm others in her life. Getting the details from her are a little vague- it's hard to understand most of the time.
She has been to the Mission about 3 or 4 times now- the staff that have been here are very familiar with her. She stays for awhile- saves up her money- and then gets paranoid that the staff are stealing her money. Then she gets all heated up, demands to get the money that is in savings and leaves. Sadly she usually winds up in the hands of someone who is simply using her for the money that she has saved- another abusive relationship, another round of torment. After awhile she makes her way back here again, usually having been off her meds for quite awhile. It's a sad cycle that she just can't seem to break free of.
But this is the lady I work with. And since meeting her, I just have so many questions. Questions for God- because I have no idea why all of this has happened. I just don't understand why or how she can be so tormented by Satan (who she can see and talk to) when she believes in God and Jesus.
It's hard facing the realities of life- realities that pose questions that sometimes you just shrug your shoulders and say "I have no idea." The reality of coming face to face with a situation that is so far out of your league- "they didn't teach me that in Bible College". It's a challenge, but it's also a growing experience. I'm just still trying to figure out how I'm growing from this situation.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A Lesson Learned
But here I am. And it's here that I know God is trying to teach me something. But sometimes I just focus so much on my frustrations and my iniquities that I fail to see the bigger picture.
I cry out to God, wondering what my purpose is and where I fit in all of this. Do I even fit?
And my answer came in a surprising way- well, surprising for me anyway. For my internship here I have to do this Beth Moore bible study. It's the "Breaking Free" one. I must admit that I was less than thrilled to be doing it. I was frustrated that I even had to. But nonetheless, I did it (am doing it). And I am learning a great deal about finding peace and contentment. I don't know what it is, but I just have no contentment in what I'm doing. I want to do more meaningful things, I want to do something that I feel matters. And I suppose that's where my problem lies. It's not about me and it's not about what I'm doing or what I'm not doing. At least it shouldn't be. And I shouldn't make it be about me.
God promises to give us his peace in all things and in all circumstances (2 Thes. 3:16) - and that includes being on an internship where I feel less than useful at times. God desires for us to have peace, no matter what our circumstances. But I must believe it, I must be willing to get down on my knees and cry out to him, and I must be willing to receive it.
I have to stop feeling sorry for myself- stop wishing that I were in Africa. Because the painful truth is that I would probably feel the same way no matter where I was. Mission trips, internships, jobs, whatever... it's not about me and what I can accomplish. It's about God and what he can accomplish through me and through other willing people. I need to find joy in the tasks that I do, no matter what they are. It's a struggle, but I am learning to find peace and joy where I am right now. Please pray with me about this. It's not an easy struggle- and I must admit that I keep failing at it.
If anyone has any suggestions that might be helpful, by all means, send them my way.
Also... I'll be sending an update via snail mail. But it's nothing new compared to what I've been writing on here. It's just an update letting those that don't have internet know that I am back. Yes... a little late in coming, seeing as I've been back since the end of January, but at least I'm sending it out.
That's all for now.
Monday, March 2, 2009
I'm Allergic to Springfield
I’m not actually allergic to
About my internship:
I think it’s strange that it’s already March and I’ve been here for over a month. Sometimes it still feels like I just got back from
But I’ve been here for many weeks now and I’ve really gotten to know the people I work with everyday. Their life stories are some of the craziest I have ever heard- so unreal at times. Many of the people living here have had such a hard life- circumstance after circumstance with no seemingly no relief in sight. But then they found themselves here. I’ve heard some of the residents talk about this place as a Safe House. One of them said to me “I’m not homeless and I’m not living in a homeless shelter. This is a safe house and these people are my family.”
It’s so neat to see these many different families living together under one roof, and not simply tolerating one another, but growing to genuinely love one another. Obviously with so many people living under one roof there are bound to be fights and quarrels. But it’s so cool to see how the residents fight and quarrel like siblings- but also love and respect each other like siblings. This place is a home. And these people are family.
Some of the kids making a mess... I mean making cookies
Church at the Mission
The whole gang (residents and one of the groups that came for the weekend)
Some personal stuff:
Sometimes I feel like I really don’t do anything, and I’m really struggling with trying to find my niche. In all honesty (and that’s what this blog is supposed to be about) I sometimes wish I were back in
Monday, February 16, 2009
Where I am - What I'm doing
*On Tuesdays and Fridays I will be answering the phones and doing office work.
*I will fill in as lodge supervisor as needed
*I will be the case manager for 2 ladies living here
*I am also going to start mentoring two of the older girls living here
*And because I am the new intern, I will do whatever else needs to be done
Oh, and fyi, I started drinking coffee again. Life is just altogether too stressful and tiring to not drink coffee anymore. According to some of the little girls here at the
In case anyone would like to send me some snail mail- my new address is:
Springfield IL 62703
Here are a few pictures from where I now am:
Inner City Mission
The Office... where I spend countless hours
In the kitchen- about to eat dinner
Just a few of the kids- waiting to eat
Two of the girls living here
Mystery and some of the girls were listening to music videos