Friday, March 4, 2011

#15: The Porcelain Throne

I realize that this is completely disgusting, and probably a bit inappropriate too. Who talks about their private activities in a blog? Well, this is a picture blog about what I do/see each day. And so, in my crazy warped mind, I feel that it's okay to announce what it is I have done all day.

I have been sick to my stomach! I have had terrible stomach cramps all day today. This type of sickness is no fun when you're at work.

Awkward story time: I had to be at work at 9 this morning to open. I was meeting my manager (i'm still in training) at the store. Strangely I got there before she did, and I was just waiting outside the gate (it's in the mall, fyi). Suddenly I realized that something terrible was happening in my stomach/bowel region. It wasn't good. And for whatever reason, my manager was late. I thought for sure I would be mopping up my own mess (awkward, yes).
Finally I wrote a note on a scrap piece of paper I had in my purse and I put it under the gate. I made a mad dash for the bathroom (on the other side of the mall), which was no easy task considering I had to squeeze my butt cheeks together the entire time (again, awkward. My apologies).
I made it! And luckily the music was turned up extra loud in the bathroom!

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