Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#13: A Walk through the Park

Today was a relatively nice day out. And since both Kristin and I were off, we decided it would do us a world of good to go for a walk in the park. Honestly, walking through the park is probably one of my most favorite things to do. I should do it more often. Maybe I will once the weather gets warmer. I hate to be cold.
I have decided that when I start having babies, I will put them in the stroller and stroll through the park. It will be so much fun! Even more fun if my friends and I have kids at the same time and we can go together. That is my dream!
 This is where Kristin wants to get married. Of course, it's not finished yet. But that's okay, because she's not quite yet ready to get married. But I'm certain that they will both be ready at the same time!

 It's almost as if the branch was in a state of depression and began growing down. And then all of a sudden, it jumped out of its depressive state and starting growing up again. I guess even trees go through seasonal depression!
I had never seen this before. It's a very very tiny shoe repair shop. I didn't even know these were still around. Apparently so. And just around the corner from where I live! Craziness, I tell you!


  1. 2 posts a day?

    what's going on?

  2. also, I think it would be super fun to have kids at the same time as you! and be neighbors!

  3. I forgot to post yesterday. Seems I keep getting distracted and forgetting about this picture thing.

    And yes, It would totally be awesome to be neighbors and have kids around the same time. I'm definitely up for it.'ll probably be several years before I start popping out the babies. Of course...accidents do happen....

  4. but you have a post everyday? Don't you? I'm confused....

    I think it will be several years before I start popping out the babies to....

  5. Yes, I just change the date before I post.

    I've got tricks up my sleeve.

  6. sneaky, sneaky!

    p.s. post a pic for today so you don't have to post 2 tomorrow!
