Tuesday, July 26, 2011

#153: Mid 20's Life Crisis

I am having a mid 20's life crisis. Or, a quarter life crisis. Today I was just feeling down and kind of useless. I mean, I'm almost 26, I have a terrible dead-end job, I'm not really involved in anything. And ya know what? I really want to have a baby, but that's not happening either. In all honesty, I kind of just feel like a loser. I mean, I obviously have things going for me. I have a great marriage, my husband is the best ever, we have health insurance (such an adult thing to say), I have great relationships with my family and friends, etc etc.
But sometimes, like today, my life just seems to lack meaning and direction. 
I don't know what to do. I feel lost. I feel lonely. I feel like a loser.

And so...I had ice cream for dinner. Ice cream and a delicious apple dessert I made.
It didn't really make me feel less like a loser. But it definitely did help. Just a little.

1 comment:

  1. Oh,love. I am exactly where you are, in the middle of a quarter-life crisis. And as much as I love my children, believe me that they make things harder because I can't just move away from things to gain a better perspective. I have to care for them 24/7 so lose time in making sure I am processing things well. And ice cream always makes me feel better for the moment. and sex. that, too. ha ha. and crocheting, and listening to Qur'an (it is powerful. seriously. very calming). I cope, ya know? You are not alone!
