Thursday, July 14, 2011

#141: Sickly

Today was not the greatest. The last few days I have not felt so hot. But today it just seemed to get really bad. My friend seems to think that I have some kind of food allergies and that is why I tend to get sick frequently. I don't know. All I know is that today I felt terrible.
Phil and I both had to work, so we drove into Springfield and I dropped him off. Then I called work and said I would be about an hour late, that I was not feeling good and needed to get some meds. About an hour later she called back and I still wasn't feeling any better. She told me to stay home so that I would be better for work tomorrow. called in for me?! Interesting.
Anyway, I went to Heather's house because I was sick and needed a place to stay. Both Heather and her husband had to leave, so I had the house to myself. It was quite lovely.

I bonded with the cat, who seemed to be quite needy for some odd reason.

Every where I went she'd follow and wind up on top of me all curled up.

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