Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Addicted to Experience

Unlike many people I know, I love change. I thrive on it. I love to experience new and different things all the time. I'm constantly getting bored with the same old things, and I want to go do something different. This is probably why I love moving and I love travelling. My family makes fun of me because I move all the time. They say I am like my grandma, which incidentally I guess I am. She moves quite often, each time claiming it is her last. But if she's anything like me (or, I guess me like her), she knows deep down that it won't be. Maybe my grandma also suffers with the desire for new and different experiences.

This is not always a good thing. I have had several jobs. Too many to count on my 10 fingers. I usually quit because I hate the work, and I can't imagine spending my days doing something that I just loathe. I'm always cautious to get a new job because, for one I fear that I will hate that one too. And as much as it may seem like it's no big deal for me to quit a job, I really don't like it at all. I feel like a failure for not sticking with things. I'm also cautious about getting a job because I fear that once I take this job, another better one will come along. I'm still waiting for my dream job!

My brother recently offered Phil and I his house. It's a cute little house. About the size of what we live in now, only it is so much nicer. There is laundry, there is a bathtub, the kitchen is totally new (and not in the dungeon), there is a huge back yard (maybe I could finally get a dog), and there is a garage. The only downside is that it is in Pawnee. I, for one, do not want to live in Pawnee. Plus, it is a lot further of a commute to work for Phil.
I want to move so bad. I want to move because it's new and it's different. It will be a fun experience. Phil isn't so sure. He's thinking about all of the inconveniences, like moving all of our stuff, unpacking everything, setting it all back up, etc etc. I am completely the opposite. I think it would be fun to have a new place to decorate, a new place to put all of my stuff. I am excited! I want to do it so bad. I love change!

I guess we will see what comes of this. Being addicted to experience and change is not really compatible with the married life all the time. I guess that's what compromise is all about.


  1. Loving change isn't all bad, you balance out people like me who dread change. Seriously, the thought of moving to a new town terrifies me. It's not the actual moving, but the having to learn how to navigate a new town and all that stuff. And about the house, I can totally understand wanting to move. As much as I dread the change, I hate this apartment so much I would move in a heartbeat if something better came along (that we could afford). I think the house thing is totally understandable. There are a lot of qualities about your apt that you dislike. It's ok to want to move. The problem is that some day you may want to buy a house or you may move to a third world country; those are a little more difficult to get out of. You can't change those things quickly, so they require more thought.

  2. I think that moving to a third world country would satisfy my desire for change and experience for quite sometime. I mean, there are tons of things that I would need to get used to. I think it would take me quite a while to be ready to move or do something else if I were to do missions.
    Maybe that's another reason why it's my dream!

    And yeah, we probably shouldn't buy a house anytime soon. I need to overcome my problem. haha!

  3. haha! I think missions and you go together great!

  4. Oh my goodness, this just made me laugh so hard because it sounds so much like me (especially the third world country comment). Back in my traveling days, my friends from small-town usa used to just flow with praise on how brave I was for going to these new and exciting and exotic places (kolkata=not exotic. at all). They meant California and Lincoln, Illinois. Anything except home was exciting to them, but just too scary. I would thank them and insist that no, I was actually a bigger coward because I am terrified of things staying the same for too long. I NEED change. I think the need for change can work in married life if you marry someone who also loves change. My husband and I are moving into a new house only two minutes from the one we are currently living in because #1 my kitchen currently is in the dungeon, as well (I HATE IT!!!) and #2, that house has better insulation so lower heat bill and #3, it is just nicer in general. And, we are moving to Egypt, God-willing, in September. So we are moving into this new house, knowing we will only be there 6 months, but what the heck, why not? ha ha ha

    And this is absolutely none of my business, as the bible-school drop-out/flunky missionary/betrayer of Christianity, but I made the mistake of thinking that because I love travel and new things and other cultures and allll that comes with such exciting stuff, I was just "made" to be a missionary. Now, I know differently. I think it is a calling, plain and simple and there are people called to missions who are TERRIFIED to leave home and people who love to travel who are called to settle down and have a family. I am not implying you are not qualified in other ways (what the hell do I know), but that is just a piece of wisdom from my past.

  5. Your three reasons for moving are exactly the same reasons Phil and I might be moving. It's ridiculous how expensive the electric bill is every month! And the most frustrating part is, we never really have our heat on. We have a heating blanket and warm clothes, and when it gets really cold, yes we turn it on. But it's never on all day. So I can't figure out why it's so expensive!

    You're right, just because some people love to travel and experience new things, it doesn't mean they are actually called to do missions. That has been my struggle for a long time. I want to go to other countries, learn about new cultures, meet different people, and I want to help people in any way possible. I can meet different ppl and help ppl right here in my own neighborhood. And I can make money so that we can travel around the world.

    But we have actually been asked to join an organization. If we do it, Phil will be a business administrator and I will hopefully get to help nurse dying babies back to health or care for AIDS orphans. Something we've both always wanted to do, in the context we've always dreamed of doing.

    We shall see though.

  6. Oh, that sounds wonderful! Like a perfect fit for the both of you, God-willing. Please, blog and blog and blog so we can all be updated!

    And girrrlll...our heat is always set at a toasty 70 degrees because we gots babies! But even with it up that high and plastic on the windows, there are only like two rooms of the house that are not a little drafty when it's cold out. Ick!

  7. Kaighla....you made a really good point about the whole called to missions thing.

    Sarah---your walls must be paper thin. We've kept our apt toasty this winter (because Seth insists on it, and he's the one who brings home the bacon. And let's be honest I like it too). I've been expecting awful electric bills, but they're really not too bad considering. It's amazing how much two new windows helped. I'd almost guarantee there is no insulation in the walls though.

  8. My walls are paper thin! Also, the windows are so old. We put plastic over them, but I can still feel the drafts coming in when it's windy out. Also, our heating comes from electric tiles in our ceiling. So really, when we have the heat on, we're just warming our upstairs neighbors floor. It's ridiculous.
    Hopefully we'll be able to move SOON!

    And yes, I'll probably be blogging about everything. Right now we're still just playing the waiting game. At least until June!

  9. that's terrible. not the blogging, the heating issue.

  10. Hence the reason we're attempting to move.
