Sunday, June 19, 2011

#118: Helping a friend in need

I am the friend in need! I had the daunting task of packing everything up and moving. Poor Phil has to work almost every day, so he really has no time to get anything done. Luckily for me, I have awesome friends. Heather said that she would come over and help me. I knew where this was going....

As soon as she came over she was hungry. She said we couldn't work on empty stomachs. So I grabbed some coupons I had and we headed to our favorite unhealthy fast food place; McDonalds. We had buy one get one free coupons, so we really only paid for on meal. Nice!

Then we went back to my house and ate our unhealthy food. Of course, after our big meal we were too tired to pack anything up. Well, unfortunately for me, I didn't have the luxury of NOT packing. So Heather watched while I packed. And then Kristin came over. Before we could continue packing though, I made Heather read  us all a story I had written when I was in High School. It was quite morbidly entertaining.
But then I insisted we get back to work. In the end, I ended up packing while Heather reminisced about the good ol days when we were younger and Kristin played dress up with all of my clothes. It was an epic night!

All of the food we obtained from McDonalds...

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