Friday, August 3, 2012

All about Jaelyn

From day one Jaelyn has let her personality shine. She arrived on the scene with an attitude as big as her 7lb 9.5oz body, and it's only grown along with her. It has definitely been interesting learning the ins and outs of a brand new person.

I have a dramatic and a very particular baby. She wants what she wants when she wants it, and if she is in a mood, she will let everyone know. When she is happy, her face lights up and her grin is as big as her head (and we all know how big an infants head is!). She squeals with delight and her limbs shake excitedly.
When she is angry her whole body tightens up, her face turns bright red and she lets out an ear-piercing scream. It's lovely.

Jaelyn is a crier. Sometimes I think that she enjoys crying. I've gotten quite accustomed to it now, but at first it was very stressful. I wanted to fix her. I wanted her to stop crying. But now...that's just who she is. She doesn't cry as much as she did when she first arrived on the scene, but she still has her moments. And I'm okay with that.

I love her personality! Here are some things I have learned about my baby:

*She fights her sleep:
     I don't know what it is, but this child fights her sleep like no other. When she's falling asleep and doesn't want to, she will shake her head violently from side to side, and flail her tiny arms. If she is soothing herself with a pacifier, she will spit it out.
Luckily I have learned her little tricks. When she starts shaking her head and swinging her arms, I simply hold her still. And when she's trying to spit out her paci, I will just hold it in her mouth. She just can't win. She gives in every time and eventually falls asleep.

*She loves to be held:
     This baby LOVES to be held. If she could have it her way all the time, she would never be put down. And of course I don't mind holding her, but sometimes I just can't get thing done that way. So I will either put her in the moby wrap, or I will set her in her swing. She's learning to be okay with sitting by herself, and even goes through longer periods of contentment by herself.

*She is a night owl:
     Jaelyn LOVES to be up late. I have been trying and trying to get this kid to go to bed early, but she always wakes up after 15-20 minutes. She is typically out for the night between 11-12. The upside of that is that she will often sleep in. So at least we have that going for us. But if we have to be somewhere in the morning...not so great!

*She actually watches t.v.:
     I had no idea that a 2 month old would actually watch the television. I know it's because there are so many different colors and pictures and movements happening. Not to mention the sound. But it's still quite amazing to me. And I know that I said I would never sit my kid in front of the t.v., but I will just be honest here and say that there have been times that I have done that. I sit her in her swing or her bumbo, turn on Sesame Street or Rugrats, and then I am able to fold  load of laundry or wash some dishes before she is ready to do something else.

*She coughs for attention:
     Okay, I don't know that she is actually coughing because she wants attention, but it sure does seem like it. When I'm not paying attention to her, she will cough three times. Obviously it always gets my attention. My baby is coughing. Something must be wrong. Oh no. She coughs and then just looks at me. I swear she is doing it on purpose!

*She is advanced:
     Phil and I like to joke that our baby is so advanced. Anytime she does anything...and I mean ANYTHING, we will say "She is SO advanced!". She can drool or spit up: So advanced. She can hiccup: So advanced. Even her farts are SO advanced (seriously though, her poor little baby farts smell like a grown mans. Disgusting!) Sometimes I forget that other people aren't in on the joke, and I will tell complete strangers how advanced my baby is.
Wouldn't it be funny if we did this her whole life? When she is 19 we will be telling people how advanced our kid is!

I just love this girl! And I can't wait to learn more and more about her! Every day I find out something new. And every day it seems she is learning something new as well. Just today she "rolled over". More like she fell over. But still....she did it! She is so advanced!

Here's the video to prove it:

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