Saturday, April 28, 2012

Full Term

Well we have finally made it to 37 weeks, which is considered full term. The doctor told me a few days ago that if I started to go into labor now, they would do nothing to stop it. That was exciting news.
But, I also realized that the chances of going into labor 3 weeks before my due date are pretty low. Bummer!

But, since I am considered full term, I have been googling ways to induce labor at home. Of course, I'm not taking any of this seriously, and I know that this stuff doesn't actually work. The baby will come when the baby is ready. But it is fun to try a few of these old wives tales.
(Also, I will note, that I have been told by several people when I can and cannot have this baby. So I am on a very strict timetable here. Ya hear that Jaelyn? You can't come out until EVERYONE is ready for you to come out.)

So here is my fun list of labor inducing techniques I may or may not try (but probably I will definitely try them):

1. Sex: Yep, I said it. Apparently sperm on the cervix is supposed to help things get moving along.

2. Walking: Some say that a long brisk walk can naturally induce labor. Plus it is great exercise and can reduce pregnancy stress (But who am I kidding, I'm not walking for the exercise, I want this baby outta me and into my arms!!)

3. Eating Spicy foods: Some people believe that spicy foods (like castor oil...which will NOT be on my list) can irritate your intestines and cause your uterus to contract.

4. Eating Pineapple

5. Talking to the baby and telling her it's okay to come out now and that we can't wait to meet her

6. Massage

7. Relaxing: I do enough of that already!

8. Bumpy car rides: Gotta bounce that baby right outta ya!

9. Marching up and down the stairs: Though...that might just make you too tired if labor does actually begin

10. Watch a funny movie and laugh until you pee your pants/watch a sad movie and cry like crazy

Okay, obviously the majority of these are just ridiculous. But hey...what else am I gonna do in these next 3 weeks?! Might as well have a little fun while I wait.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! You're almost there and Jaelyn is almost here!
