Friday, October 7, 2011

#231: No more flying please!

Today we did some brief shopping and sight seeing in Delhi. We also ate a Chinese Restaurant, which I found surprisingly odd. Indian Chinese food. Hmmm.

Then, in the evening, another flight to....somewhere. For some reason the name of the place has evaded me. It was only about a 90 minute flight, so that I was able to handle. Luckily it wasn't another 8 hour flight. Having had 2 of those the day before... I was still very uncomfortable with the thought of any more plane rides.
We finally made it to...that place, and then we had to drive another 2 hours to our final destination.

Here's the thing with Indian roads: They are terrible! Potholes and livestock everywhere! And remember me mentioning how people don't stay in their lanes and their is nothing wrong with playing chicken with the oncoming traffic? Well, let's just say that there was no way possible for me to sleep on that 2 hour journey. All I could do was clutch on to Phil for my dear life, and try not to bounce straight through the roof of the vehicle. It was insane.

Finally though we made it to the hotel. A 5 star hotel!

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