Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Things you NEVER imagined you'd say....

Ya know, there’s just some things in life that you don’t think you will ever say. And it’s not until you have children that you find yourself saying the most ridiculous things!

I’ve compiled a list of things that my husband and I have said…probably more than once since having kids. I’m certain that as the kids get older and do more ridiculous things, we’ll end up saying even more off-the-wall comments (feel free to add your own in the comments section!)

-       We don’t eat pennies!
-       Pee pee goes in the potty, not on the floor
-       Don’t put your feet on your brothers face
-       Chips don’t go in your ear.
-       No, don’t put chips in your brother’s ear.
-       Please don’t lick that off the floor.
-       Oh, no, don’t lick mommy’s shoe!
-       Don’t put that diaper in my coffee please
-       Put your tongue back in your mouth or your food will just fall right off of it
-       That is garbage. We don’t eat garbage.
-       Wait, where are her undies? She’s wearing a dress, how did we not notice this?!  Hey missy, we never leave the house without wearing our undies.
-       Please don’t step on the baby
-       If you lick the book again, story time is over
-       Are you giving him kisses, or are you sucking on his head?
-       Hands out of the toilet. Hey! Both of you, hands out of the toilet!
-       We cannot go outside until EVERYONE is wearing pants.
-       Don’t let your brother step in your bowl!
-       Don’t put your foot in your sister’s bowl!
-       Why are you licking that?! That’s disgusting. Do you even know what that is?!
-       Stop climbing the stove!
-       How did you get in that drawer? Please get out of there. No! Don’t close your brother in that drawer, he’s trying to get out.
-       Oh, umm…daddies don’t have milk. Only mommies with babies have milk….
-       If you’re going to tackle your sister, do it on the rug. That floor is entirely too hard!
-       We don’t eat chalk or rocks. As a matter of fact, we don’t eat anything that is not food!
-       If you don’t stop licking that rock, you’re not going to get to hold it anymore.

Apparently my kids lick a lot of things….

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