Friday, August 1, 2014

Oops, we did it again!

Our 3rd little bun is currently cooking in my oven. I can’t say that it was a complete shock, because for some reason I just sort of knew. When I was finally able to take a test, I already knew what it would say. In an instant it read “pregnant”.

I was elated. Scared beyond reason, but absolutely thrilled. It’s weird how you can experience two almost contradictory emotions at the same time, about the same thing.

I am so excited to have another baby. I love kids. I love having my own kids. I adore being a mother and I’ve always wanted to have a big family. Having three kids is going to be so much fun!

But I’m also terrified for a number of reasons. First, having 3 kids is going to be a lot of fun, but having 3 kids under the age of 3 is going to be ridiculously hard! Secondly, we will be living in a foreign country without family or friends to lean on for support. I’m not thrilled about having my baby in France, mostly because I’m unfamiliar with how they do things there. And it’s scary to think of moving to Africa with 2 toddlers and an infant.
I can only imagine the difficulties of raising a small family in a country I’ve never been, in a culture I’m unfamiliar with, and a language I’m just really beginning to learn. Not to mention that we won’t know anyone when we get there. What.were.we.thinking?!

But nevertheless, this is happening. It’s real. There is a tiny person growing inside of me, squirming around and pushing against my abdomen. It’s amazing. It’s a miracle. And I’m beyond blessed.

And I’m pretty certain I’ll never run out of things to write about for my blog! Of course, I may not have the time or the energy, but I’ll surely have stories!

Baby Kemp #3 is due to arrive on January 21st, 2015!

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