Friday, February 21, 2014

Rough and Tumble

I love my babies! They have cute little personalities and are such a joy to be around. Here's the scoop on my two:

As you may have noticed in some other blog posts, I have nicknames for my two bundles of joy. I refer to the two of them as Rough and Tumble. Jaelyn is rough. She always has been. She's a little tom boy- loves to jump and flip and play rough. She's as tough as nails!
Phillip is Tumble. Mostly because he falls over a lot!

I often refer to Jaelyn as Miss Fits. She's a toddler for sure- in the throes of her terrible twos. She's always had an extreme personality- right from birth! When she's happy she is deliriously happy and excited! She squeals, jumps for joy, and her smile can light up the room. When she's upset...the whole world knows! Or at least the whole house and maybe even the neighbors. She squeals (but this time a high pitched scream), she throws herself onto the ground kicking and screaming, tears stream down her face and she is difficult to console. Extreme.

Miss Fits
(That's her "cheese" face)

Phillip is Mr. Mellow. He's the opposite of Jaelyn in most respects. He's so laid back and easy going. He's typically content to just sit and watch. He has been such a good baby from the get-go. He will smile the biggest smile and melt even the coldest of hearts. When he laughs he barely makes any noise- just sort of chuckles quietly. Chill.

Mr. Mellow

I'm absolutely in love with my kiddos. For years I have dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom, and the reality of it is absolutely amazing. Obviously there are days that are ridiculous and hard and I wonder what I have gotten myself into. Days when Miss Fits is throwing tantrum after tantrum, drawing on the couch, trying to eat batteries, making her brother roll over even though he clearly doesn't want to. Days when my generally calm Mr. Mellow is fussy and insists on being held constantly. Days when I haven't showered, I'm drinking cold coffee...again, the house is a disaster and I'm just cranky.

Those days are there. Those days are hard. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. Because I have the blessing and the privilege to raise these little Rugrats. And oh what a blessing and joy it is! Rough and Tumble have penetrated the deepest parts of my heart and soul.

These two pictures capture the essence of who they are: 

Miss Fits...clearly throwing a fit. 
Mr. Mellow...chilling in his bouncy, albeit looking a bit freaked out. But calm, nonetheless.

Ah, the beloved Santa Clause. Miss Fits is just showing the crowded mall that she marches to the beat of a different drummer. And Mr. Mellow...well, he's just taking it all in.

They may be as different as night and day, but they are still best friends!


  1. Sarah Elizabeth you are adorable! Your kiddies are too but YOU are adorable! You go girl! Aunt Becky

  2. Yes you have been blessed with 2 very special gifts from God-Jaelyn and Phillip! Sarah and Phillip, you are wonderful parents.
