Thursday, August 29, 2013

Baby has Landed

Well he made it! Little Phillip made his debut right between his two due dates. He was born on August 15th, and he is absolutely perfect.

Once again, the doctors were wrong in estimating his size. He was a whopping 7.4 lbs; Just a tad smaller than his sister was. But he was quite a long baby, measuring 22 inches.

Labor and delivery. Ah, what a story. Allow me to share my experience. I chose to be induced upon the doctor’s request. There is always a slight fear of induction, because I never want it to be the case where I don’t progress and end up needing a c-section. But thankfully that has not happened!

This time with the induction I held off getting an epidural until I just couldn’t stand it any longer. The contractions were strong, long and very painful. But they were endurable. However, 8 hours into labor I opted for the epidural. And let me tell you…that experience was worse than the contractions! Looking back now, I probably could have held off on that because it was less than an hour later that I delivered my son. Hindsight, ya know.

Anyway…the lady administering the giant needle to my spine had to have been in her 90’s. My initial thought: who let’s an elderly lady near a needle?! Yes, it was a disaster. She didn’t get it at first. And then she made it out like it was my fault. Apparently I wasn’t leaning over properly. Well thanks for giving me those instructions BEFORE you attempted to stick a needle in my spine! And it’s not like the contractions decided to stop while this was taking place. Misery. Complete misery.

After that ordeal and the dreadfully old and mean epidural lady and all the nurses left, Phil finally came back in the room and suggested that I try to get some sleep. I thought that was a fabulous idea! He turned out the lights and left me to get some rest. Well that lasted all of 20 minutes.

Suddenly I started to feel some immense pressure- like perhaps I needed to go to the bathroom. And I panicked a little because I remembered from last time that if you feel that kind of pressure, it’s time to push. I reached for the call light. No call light. Where was that call light?! The old lady must have moved it and forgot to put it back. I was reaching all over the place trying to get that call light. In my effort to find it, I managed to knock my cell phone onto the floor. Now I was really panicking! It’s not like I can just get out of bed and get it. My legs don’t work!!

Then I remembered that hospital beds have call light buttons on them. So I frantically push it. Nothing! It’s not working at all. I was trying to figure out how I was going to deliver my baby in the dark hospital room all by myself, when suddenly the nurse walks in an nonchalantly says “Well it’s the end of my shift. So and so is here and she will be your nurse for the rest of the night” (she probably said the girls name, and not actually so and so). Before she could finish her whole sentence I said “Something’s happening! I think I have to poop”. Now, I’m really not sure why I said that last part. I knew that I didn’t really have to poop. And that’s such an awkward thing to say!

She calmly said “Well we will have the other nurse check you”, at which time the other nurse walks in, checks to see how dilated I am and announces “There’s a head!”. Immediately the lights come on, the nurses get busy preparing the room, someone is scrambling to call the doctor, and I’m trying really hard not to push or cry.

I asked one of the nurses if I could have my cell phone to call my husband. I thought for sure I would be delivering the baby without Phil there. Luckily though, Phil, my mom and the doctor all came in just in time. 3 or 4 pushes later, little Phillip was born!

Aside from the painful epidural and the fear of thinking I’d deliver by myself, the whole thing was a piece of cake. I pushed for about 10 minutes. That was even easier than with Jaelyn, where I pushed for about 30 minutes.

And that, my friends, is my birth story.

The end.

Well, not the end. Here are some pictures of my gorgeous baby boy, and then it’s the end:

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