We all have things we said we would never ever do once we have children. I would see parents doing this or that, and I would be quick to judge telling myself that I would NEVER do that once I popped out a little one. How naive. Pre baby Sarah had no idea what she was thinking. Pre baby Sarah didn't realize what being a parent was actually about.
Let's take a look at the things I said I would never do, but alas, find myself doing:
*Dressing up my baby girl
Now this one I mentioned in a previous post. I told myself that my baby girl wasn't not going to be a girly girl. I was not going to put her in dresses and I certainly wasn't going to put those ridiculous headbands with the giant flowers on her tiny baby head.
But...it's just so irresistible! Baby girls clothes are just SO cute. And I have to put her in the outfits we got at the baby showers, right?! And some of them are dresses. And she did get some of those headbands too. I can't just waste them, now can I?
*Have baby stuff everywhere!
Pre baby Sarah made a point to tell Phil that we were not going to be those parents that allows their children's things to overtake the whole house. In fact, pre baby Sarah said that our bedroom is the "baby free zone". No baby stuff allowed in there. We need a place to go to get away from everything baby and to relax.
Post baby Sarah is laughing out loud. Literally.
Our apartment is tiny. Baby items are many. How does such a tiny person accumulate so many things?
Well, we need a swing and a bouncy seat to satisfy her. We need a baby changing station downstairs so that we don't have to travel up and down those stairs every time she wets herself or spits up.
And our own sanctuary room? Yeah, right. Baby stuff there too.
*Posting pics to facebook
I was always one of those people that got annoyed looking at facebook because people continuously posted the dumb pictures they took of their children. Yes we get it, you're a new parent and you love your child. But those pictures of your child sleeping are getting rather redundant. Babies sleep.
Oh, you changed your kids outfit and decided to snap a picture of it? Fabulous. I just changed my outfit too. Care to see?
How quickly I was to judge. I can't tell you how many pictures I have taken of Jaelyn sleeping. And ya know what...I couldn't resist posting them to facebook! I realize that nobody else really cares as much as I do. But it's fun to show of your baby. And so...I suppose I will continue to do that too.
*Let my kids watch t.v. at a young age
Now before you are quick to judge, I do not just sit my infant in front of a television. But I will tell you that Jaelyn loves the t.v. Probably because it's colorful and it moves and there is noise.
And so, if I would like a few minutes (or maybe a half hour) of peace, Jaelyn and I will watch t.v. And ya know what's absolutely wonderful? She doesn't even care what we are watching! She let's me pick every time. What a great daughter!
*Allow my baby to sleep in bed with me
When I was pregnant people were constantly making comments about the baby sleeping in my bed. Some would say how it was a terrible thing and to never do it. Some would say it's great for you and the baby. Some would comment on how I'd never have my room back again.
I'd always smile and nod, but inside I'd roll my eyes. I already knew what I was going to do. The baby was not going to be sleeping in my bed. She was only going to stay in my room for the first week or two, and then it was off to her own room and crib.
And I'm happy to say that that is mostly true still. Jaelyn did stay in our room the first several weeks. A bit more than 2 weeks though. But she was always in the pack n play.
When she was a month old she began sleeping in her own room.
And as far as her sleeping with me...well, in the mornings after Phil goes to work and Jaelyn wakes up to eat, I will put her in bed with me and we will sleep an extra hour or two all snuggled together. I love it!
I'm sure there are going to be a lot more things that I said I wouldn't do and then end up doing them. Or things that I said I would do, but now choose not to.
Being a parent is funny business!
Sarah, I love your posts! And I miss you!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you still read them!
ReplyDeleteAnd I miss you too. Can't wait to hang out next week!
LOVE this one!