1. Watch Flash Mob videos on YouTube
2. Movie Marathon (all movies about pregnancy/babies: Baby Mama, Juno, Father of the Bride 2, Knocked Up, What to Expect When You're Expecting (yes, it's a movie now), The Switch, Backup Plan)
3. Play hours of tetris
4. Write those thank you cards from your baby shower that took place at the beginning of April
5. Pretend the Dr. has ordered bed rest because you're "so pregnant", and be lazy ALL day long (no one will be the wiser)
6. Try on your wedding dress (haha! Just kidding. Only do this if you want to sob uncontrollably.)
7. Learn a few sarcastic and witty replies to people's obnoxious comments about you STILL being pregnant.
8. Explain to the baby that if he or she doesn't come out RIGHT NOW, you are adding this to your "I'll spank you when you're old enough because..." list. (other things on the list include: the purposeful jabs to the ribs, putting extra pressure on my pelvic area making me look like an idiot in public when I nearly collapse to the ground, and the acid that literally comes up my throat in the middle of the night)
9. Take yet another nap (why not? It's not like you can sleep through the night now if you wanted to)
10. Pack your hospital bag...again...for the 10th time.
11. Shave your legs! That one is sure to take some time! (and yes, just because you can't see them, there is still hair down there(applies to other parts of your body as well)).
12. Make a list of everything you won't miss about being pregnant
13. Make a list of all the things you will miss about being pregnant (Just because you're past due, doesn't mean you can't think of ONE thing you will miss).
14. Eat the foods you know you won't be able to eat once the baby is born and you're overly concerned with fitting into your pre-pregnancy clothes (including your wedding dress from 2 years ago).
15. Write silly blog entries
16. Read postsecrets
17. Stalk people on facebook (probably something you do anyway!)
18. Make a list of all the people who have already had their babies, and refuse to talk to them for the day (that's not very nice!)
19. Go ahead and try all of those natural labor inducing techniques that you have been trying for a week now, even though you know that it's all a bunch of malarkey anyway.
20. Remind yourself that the baby will come when the baby is ready, and then promptly punch yourself in the face (refer to previous post if you're confused).
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