Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen....she has a name!

And so we decided on a name for our precious baby girl: 

Jaelyn Elizabeth Kemp

I told Phil that I had 4 names that I really loved (and oddly enough they all started with a "J" and three of them ended in an "n"). I told him that I wanted him to pick out his favorite.
I still really love the name Jael, but after trying it out on a few people, I decided against it. Most people pronounce it "jail", or they think it is the letters J.L. It annoyed me enough that we opted not to use it. Even though I had that named picked out before I ever even met Phil :-(

But...Jaelyn is a derivative of Jael, and hey...the name Jael is still in there. So I think it's a win win situation.
I love her name! And I can't wait to meet her!

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