Saturday, October 15, 2011

#239: Mother Teresa Ministry, Brains, Human Trafficking Area

Today was one of those really emotional days. We visited a ministry of Mother Teresa's, and it was just amazing. We got to meet many of the Sisters working there and also the men that have come off the streets to reside there. Their ministry is incredible and it was such a great opportunity to visit and pray with the men and Sisters.

Our main goal that day though was to locate the human sex trafficking area and pray for those girls. We weren't actually allowed to get too close because of how dangerous it is. We learned a lot about what is going on there, and it was incredibly sad and disheartening. I couldn't keep the tears from flowing. We prayed earnestly for God's amazing work to permeate that area and bring justice and healing to all of those involved. I know that God is already at work there. It's not like we brought Him along and He didn't know what was going on long before we arrived. God is good, and I know that His hand is already at work in that nation.

On a much lighter note: We ate goat brains. For some odd reason one of the restaurants we went to served goat brain. And Phil decided he would like to try it. I too had to try it. I couldn't let a chance to eat brains pass me up.
Now I'm really wishing I had let that chance pass me up. Ever since that night I have been incredibly sick to my stomach. I highly doubt it was the brains, because I honestly only had the tiniest piece. It was so gross it literally made me gag. Brain texture is just disgusting. But even though I doubt it was the brains that made me sick, I still am deciding to blame them for my illness. lol

1 comment:

  1. Nirmal Hriday is the ministry I worked at in Kolkata and it was....really painful but beautiful everyday.
