Friday, April 15, 2011

#56: Home at last!

Finally! I made it home. This is a picture taken from inside my at last!

I had to run to Walmart after work today to pick up some much needed items. I wasn't aware how terrible the weather would become. I saw that the sky looked ominous, but I didn't know it was so bad. Well unfortunately for me, just as I was about to check out, they made everyone go to the back of the store. It was hailing so loud I thought the roof my come down on us. It didn't. I was stuck in of my worst fears (that was actually going to be the title, but I felt such relief from being home that I put that instead).
Anyway, they eventually let us go and I added flashlights to my list. But once I got outside it started hailing again and pouring down rain. I sped all the way home. Yeah, hindsight tells me that probably wasn't a great idea in this weather. But I was...well, I'll just admit...I was scared!

But I'm home now. And I have my flashlights, my tea, my books, and a basement (which just so happens to be my kitchen!). So I'm all set in case that tornado wants to come back.

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