Jenna! She is my real life missionary friend (according to Mike Nichols). I love getting to hang out with her, it is such a glorious time. Jenna and I had a strange friendship early on. When we both first started college we were in the same group (both Undecided Majors) and we hung out a little bit. But soon we stopped hanging out altogether. We're still not sure why.
But every time we saw each other we would say we needed to hang out. We had a deep connection, even though we really didn't know one another all that well. In a series of random events, including Jenna moving in with Jessica, me quitting my job and going to Canada with Jenna, and then Jenna living with me for a month, we were able to really get our friendship going.
No more saying that we need to hang out and then never actually following through. Jenna and I are heart friends. And we see each other all the time now!
I love my real life missionary friend, my heart friend, my Jenna! She is real, she is funny, she is open and honest. I am so happy she is one of my best friends!
I miss my real life missionary friend.