One of the coolest things about coming back to Peru after 3 years is seeing how the vision of the project has moved along so drastically. When I first came here, the project was in its first year. There was a team of missionary's, some from different countries here in South America, and also a North American couple. They talked about their vision for Trujillo and how they were going to reach both the people living in the barrios and the people living in the city. It seemed like such a huge task- I imagined it would take many many years to reach some of their goals. I left 3 years ago while the project was still mostly an idea.
But now... well not it's clear to see that God has been in this project from the beginning. There have been many setbacks- with some of the members of the team leaving and other in it for the wrong motives. But through all of the trials, Gods Word has prevailed. The project is growing. The teams ahve moved into 6 new barrios, where they will begin training leaders, implement community development where the people in the community become the committee, and get the kids into a sponsorship program so that their families have food, as well as a chance to get an education. Those are just a few of the things that are being done in the barrios.
A church has started in the city as well. I believe it began 2 weeks before I came here. We had a huge parade yesterday, in order to get the word out about it. Apparently parades are a big deal here. If you want people to hear about what you're doing or something you're promoting, then have a parade (as a matter of fact, a parade just went down the street. I don't know what it was for though... but there it went). It was fun and had a pretty good turnout.
Here are a few pictures from yesterday:
These were the little kids in the parade. The boy in the green is Angel (pronounces "ahn-hel"). I met him three years ago. And it was great to see him again.
Kellie and I were the "Gringa" exhibit.
All the "Princessas"
I guess my point in writing this is simply that God has the big picture. We only get glimpses of a small portion. Somtimes we're able to see a little extra. I have been blessed by getting to see a little extra here in Trujillo. I have seen this project go from a big idea that seemed impossible to accomplish, to a project that is impacting thousands of people in and around Trujillo. But more than that... I have seen hope. My last blog was filled with despair. I felt, and still do feel, overwhelmed by the immense poverty here. And I wondered if anything could be done. And while this project has in no way eradicated poverty from Trujillo, there is hope. And it's only fitting that this projects name is "Proyecto Nueva Esperanza", or in English "Project New Hope".
I would also like to tell you about one of the highlights of my time here. I went back to one of the barrios that I, of course, hadn't been to in 3 years. I was just standing there talking with some lady. Suddenly these two girls run up to me. The older one asks me if my name is Sarah. I said yes and she looks back to where some ladies are sitting, just staring at me. She nods yes to them and they all smile and start chatting again. Then the girl hugged me. It was Flor. We had hung out before. Don't tell anyone, but when the teams would come in to do construction projects, I would often sneak off and hang out with the kids. I couldn't believe that she remembered me. It was years ago and there have been so many different Americans that have come here to help out. I was elated. I was humbled. It was one of the highlights of this whole trip.
Me with Flor and her sister (Flor is on the right)
I'm so glad you got to see Flor! I also thought it was funny that you snuck out of construction jobs to hang with the kids that's what I did the whole week in the Dominican! no wonder we're friends haha love you miss you!