Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Second Time Around

Let's just be honest here. The second pregnancy is not as glamorous as the first. Not only do other people pay less attention to you and your expanding belly, but YOU even pay less attention to yourself.

Here are the differences I have noticed the second time around:

1. How many weeks am I?!: Well that's a good question! My first pregnancy I knew exactly how far along I was, what size fruit the baby measured up to, how many days until my due date, and every tiny little detail for that specific week. This time...I'm lucky to know what month I'm in!

2. Exercise: What's that?! When I was pregnant with Jaelyn I walked constantly. Everyday. For miles. I coax whoever I could to taking long walks with me. Sometimes just around the park, sometimes all the way to the store to get some donuts (Hey, I was pregnant, don't judge!). This time...taking a five minute stroll sends my uterus into overdrive! Nevermind going to the grocery store!

3. Cravings: My first pregnancy I craved junk food- donuts, chocolate milk, anything sweet! I also really wanted pickles with caesar dressing. This time...I want cottage cheese (which I HATE, by the way) and I have been craving water like non other. Water? Really?

4. Pain/sickness: With Jaelyn, being pregnant was so easy. It was seriously a breeze. I was rarely sick, I hardly had any kind of pain, and I don't even remember getting Braxton Hicks. I was walking miles with that child when I was past my due date! This time around... I have been sick almost constantly. Bronchitis has been my nemesis! I'm in terrible pain- pain that I don't even remember having when I was in Labor with Jaelyn!

5. Weight: Yes, that's right, I'm going to mention weight on here. When I was pregnant with Jaelyn I gained close to 50 lbs. Yikes! Right? Yes, I know. I was hideous. This time...It's taken me nearly 9 months just to hit the 15 lb mark. Perhaps taking care of an overactive toddler (and all the water I'm craving!) has a little something to do with that. And hey...who's complaining?! Certainly not me.

6. Naps: What's that? When I was pregnant with Jaelyn I was napping ALL the time. I was also completely lazy and put myself on bed rest almost every day. I watched television shows with a friend and ate junk food and drank blue slushies...almost every day. This time...I don't have that luxury. It's hard to find moments of rest and relaxation with a very active toddler in the house!

7. Patience: Okay...let's just be honest here Sarah. At first, I told myself that I would be super patient with this second baby- knowing that, in the end, there would be an infant. A cute, but very needy and sleep depriving infant. And so, for the majority of this pregnancy, I have been extremely patient. Probably mostly because I don't have the time of day to dwell on this pregnancy or think about what it will be like to hold this cute little bundle of love. But these past few weeks...Oh my goodness! I've become SUPER impatient. I feel like I've been pregnant for Years! I am so ready to not be pregnant. I am so ready to have this baby already! And so, this time around is just the same as with Jaelyn. Although, I think I held off a bit longer this time!