My how much changes in just a short little year. I used to think that a year was SO LONG. But now, looking back, it went quite fast. So much happened and changed in that short little year. Jaelyn went from being a helpless little babe that cried almost constantly, to a relatively independent toddler that feeds herself, practically runs now and gets into everything!
Sometimes I still can't believe that she is walking. It's just a marvel that her tiny little legs hold her up and move her about. Of course, she's still a bit clumsy and awkward on those little legs. But to think that just a few short months ago she couldn't even crawl. And now, instead of being a four-legged creature, she has joined the ranks of two-legged humanity! What a feat!
In this year so much has changed- not just with Jaelyn, but in mine and Phil's life as well.
- We had a giant fundraiser and sold a large portion of our stuff in order to raise money for training purposes.
- We packed up (what little we had left) and moved to a different state, to live with family.
- Our plans quickly changed once we were surprised with a pregnancy!
- We were completely devastated and heartbroken when we lost that baby at just 2 months pregnant.
- We were beyond blessed and overjoyed to discover that, just a few short weeks later, we were once again pregnant. And we are happy to announce that this little baby boy is doing so well! We are excited to meet him in August!
- We decided to go to West Africa, in hopes of doing some Community Development work with the nationals there
- We moved to our own apartment (since we are a growing family and will be in the area for a bit longer)
- We celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary!!
- And we watched our precious baby girl become a One year old!
Wow. What a year!
And here are some great pictures of Jaelyn!
One Month
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months
10 Months
11 Months
12 Months