Wednesday, May 29, 2013

One already?!

Wow. I cannot believe it has already been one year since I brought that precious bundle home from the hospital (the precious bundle that turned out to be colicky and oh so difficult to handle at times!).

My how much changes in just a short little year. I used to think that a year was SO LONG. But now, looking back, it went quite fast. So much happened and changed in that short little year. Jaelyn went from being a helpless little babe that cried almost constantly, to a relatively independent toddler that feeds herself, practically runs now and gets into everything!

Sometimes I still can't believe that she is walking. It's just a marvel that her tiny little legs hold her up and move her about. Of course, she's still a bit clumsy and awkward on those little legs. But to think that just a few short months ago she couldn't even crawl. And now, instead of being a four-legged creature, she has joined the ranks of two-legged humanity! What a feat!

In this year so much has changed- not just with Jaelyn, but in mine and Phil's life as well.

- We had a giant fundraiser and sold a large portion of our stuff in order to raise money for training purposes.
- We packed up (what little we had left) and moved to a different state, to live with family.
- Our plans quickly changed once we were surprised with a pregnancy!
- We were completely devastated and heartbroken when we lost that baby at just 2 months pregnant.
- We were beyond blessed and overjoyed to discover that, just a few short weeks later, we were once again pregnant. And we are happy to announce that this little baby boy is doing so well! We are excited to meet him in August!
- We decided to go to West Africa, in hopes of doing some Community Development work with the nationals there
- We moved to our own apartment (since we are a growing family and will be in the area for a bit longer)
- We celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary!!
- And we watched our precious baby girl become a One year old!

Wow. What a year!

And here are some great pictures of Jaelyn!


 One Month

 2 Months

 3 Months

 4 Months

 5 Months

 6 Months

 7 Months

 8 Months

 9 Months

10 Months

 11 Months

12 Months

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Celebrating 3 years

Today my adoring husband and I are celebrating our 3 year anniversary. I cannot believe it's been three years already. Well, okay, maybe I can because some days it feels like 20 years!

When we first got married I would have never imagined that in three short years we would be the proud parents of an almost one year old daughter, having a son on the way, and preparing to move to a different country! What a dream! What a blessing!

The past three years have been amazing. Don't get me wrong, there have definitely been those bitter moments where it seemed like we were floundering under deep water, vaguely aware that this whole marriage thing was maybe more than we had bargained for. And there have been quite a few of those moments- or more accurately those days and weeks and months.

But there is something that we have discovered. And that is Grace. God's grace. When I think about the grace that God has granted me time and time again, how can I not bestow that kind of grace on my husband? Phil can't read my mind; he doesn't know my thoughts, and he certainly doesn't know the unspoken expectations I have placed on him. And so in those moments I need to show him grace. He isn't always aware that he has hurt my feelings, said something that angered me, did something to offend me. And rather than holding it against him (which I often do), I need to show the man grace.
And the same goes for me. He needs to show me grace when I inadvertently disrespect him, am unloving to him, hurt his feelings, etc. Because the truth is that I often don't know I have done it.

Grace. It's the key to marriage. It's the key to any relationship. God has given us his amazing grace- and we certainly don't deserve. Through the tough times, and even the mediocre times, Phil and I have learned that extending grace to one another is one of the ways in which we can have a healthy marriage.

It's also important to have an amazing husband like I have :-) Hey, it's my anniversary, I get bragging rights.
Phil is so loving and kind and sweet. He really is my rock, my provider, my love. And one of the truly amazing things about Phil- he admits when he is wrong. I can learn a lot from my adoring husband!

I am looking forward to the next 3 years, and the next, and the next. I'm looking forward to the joys, the blessing, the expectant arrivals, the laughter, the tears, the fights and the make-ups, the stress, the annoyances, and all the in-between. I'm looking forward to life- just life with this man. My friend. My love.

Happy 3 year anniversary!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Surprise Baby Shower

Morning Grace. Ah, how I love the women I have met in Morning Grace.

I may have mentioned it before, but Morning Grace happens every Wednesday at my church. It's a time for women to come together and fellowship. We have yummy breakfast together, a time of worship, and then we split up into smaller groups to study scripture or a book.

The lovely women that I was blessed to be a part of have truly impacted my life.

I went to Morning Grace in hopes of making a friend or two. I was feeling lonely and didn't really know anyone. My main goal was simply to meet one or two people that I could get together with occasionally. God certainly had other plans in mind! Instead of simply making one or two friends, I have found a whole group of women to share life with! All of the women in my group have touched my heart! I have never felt so connected to so many different women before.

On the last day of Morning Grace, I was completely surprised and humbled when the ladies ushered in gobs of baby stuff! For me! I couldn't believe. I felt tears well up in my eyes at their love and generosity. We had only spent a few short weeks together- only one day a week and only for 2 hours. And here these ladies were generously pouring their love out on me and my baby. Thinking about still brings tears to my eyes (hormones, perhaps?!). I have never experienced such genuine love and kindness.

I love those ladies. I cherish them. And I am so blessed to get to call them friends.