Tuesday, December 27, 2011

#301: What I found in my mailbox...

I found this in my mailbox today. I don't know about you, but I find this rather creepy. Also, there were 3 random coupons in there too. 
Totally. Weirded. Out.

Monday, December 26, 2011

#300: Baby Bump- Week 20

My big ol tummy at 20 weeks! Hey, we are halfway there!

And yes...these were taken at work. Slow night.  haha!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

#299: Baby Bump's First Christmas

I did not expect to get gifts for our little girl. But surprising, and joyfully, we did get a few. My mom and Dennis gave us several cute outfits, rattles, itty bitty baby socks and some diapers. Totally adorable!
At my Grandpa's house, we were also given an extremely soft Baby Blanket and 2 cute little outfits! Completely unexpected, but definitely appreciated! Thanks Dale and Katie :-)

My favorite outfit so far :-)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

#298: Christmas Eve

Today we spent Christmas Eve at my mom's house. Well, the morning and afternoon, that is. It was fun getting to hang out with family (even my annoying and obnoxious brothers).
In the late afternoon/early evening we all headed over to my Grandpa's house. It's a tradition to spend Christmas Eve with that side of the family. They are loud and crazy, and it's always a good time.

Here I am with me and my 3 brothers (only one of them isn't annoying and obnoxious...)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

#297: Baby brother...what a goof!

I love when my mom sends my pictures of Nolan! They are always so funny and adorable. Apparently today she found him like this: 

What an adorable baby brother I have! 
And to think that him and my baby will be only 2 years apart. How fun!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

#294: Back to the grounds....

Now that we are down a manager again, and my hours have picked up exponentially....I need my beloved coffee! Or at least, I tell myself that I do. Today was the first day in many many many months that I have made coffee.
Phil keeps saying "I don't remember your coffee tasting THIS GOOD!". I guess he's been having withdrawals too. Haha!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

#293: A ceiling fan!

Who gets excited about a ceiling fan? This girl! I've never had a ceiling fan before. Well, not since I moved out of my parents house a long time ago. Now we have our very own ceiling fans!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

#292: Bubble Bath!

Oh my goodness, a bubble bath! I can't tell you how long it's been since I've been able to sit in one of these. At our old apartment, there was only hot water for about 5 minutes. Definitely not enough to fill a tub. But here....oh it's just fabulous!

Friday, December 16, 2011

#291: Chocolate Milk!

I've been on this crazy chocolate milk kick lately! I just can't seem to get enough. This stuff is amazing! Are there drugs in it?! I don't know. And right now, I don't care. Just give me my chocolate milk!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

#290: Is it a boy or a girl?!

We had our ultrasound today! It was so amazing getting to see the baby, especially since it actually almost looks like a real baby now. The last ultrasound was at 7 weeks, and it just looked like a little squiggle. I called it my little gummy bear.

This time our baby looked like a skeleton. Or an alien. But at least the baby is growing!

And...dun, dun dun, It's a Girl!!
Well, the lady said that she is 85% sure it's a girl. She had her legs crossed the whole time (the baby, not the ultrasound tech), and was being very stubborn and wouldn't move.
But...I asked if it's okay to go buy stuff now, and she said yes! So to the store we go!! Well...when we get some money, I guess.

 These are her tiny little feet and legs. You can see that her ankles are crossed. Awww!

This is her little bitty foot. Her toes are pointing down 
(and yes, we made sure she had all ten fingers and toes!)

Ahh! It's a Girl!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

#289: Not going hungry today!

Today I stopped by my hilarious celiac friends house to get my laundry detergent (now that I have my own washer and dryer, I need to collect the detergent I've left at various places!).
We moved a few essentials to Springfield and we are now living in that bare-bones apartment until we can rent a U-haul and get the rest here. Unfortunately, we don't have any food.

Kristin, bless her little heart, offered me this yummy variety of delicious foods. Now I won't have to starve at work!! Thanks friend!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

#287: Packing Packing Packing

Packing is the pits! I dread it, I despise it, I just plain can't stand it!! But, it must be done. And since I've only been scheduled to work 2 days this week (WHAT?! That's amazing!), I have plenty of time to get it done.

 Ahhh...crap everywhere!!!

I had packed up all the bowl and silverware, and then I remembered that I still needed to eat. Luckily this pot and wooden spoon were still not packed. So...I just ate it like this. And ya know what...I ate it ALL!! A whole box of macaroni and cheese all to myself (well, and the baby, I guess).
And the baby loved it!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

#286: Rise and Shine!

I guess it was more like a girl's weekend out. This morning we woke up, got ready, and headed out to Panera (where we managed to get free pumpkin spice lattes!!). Then we went to Kristin's house and listened to this amazing sermon about contentment. Exactly what I needed to hear!
This weekend was amazing, and I hope we can do it again soon (especially before the baby comes and takes up all my free time... Yikes!)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

#285: Girls Night Out!

Today was a fabulous day! I spent the morning with my real life missionary friend, Jenna, and we went to Starbucks and then to Target for some Christmas shopping. Later, we met up with my hilarious celiac friend, Kristin, and we went to Olive Garden for some yummy food!
We spent the evening just laughing and having so much fun! We stayed at the Crowne Plaza for $29!! And it was glorious!!
A much needed break and time of good friends and lots of laughter. I miss my girls!

Also, today is Kristin's birthday!! Welcome to the big 2-6!

Friday, December 9, 2011

#284: New Apartment!

Today we signed the lease on our new home! It's a townhouse with 2 bedrooms, a washer/dryer, and a dishwasher! What?! That's insane! I've never had those awesome amenities before, and I am quite stoked about it!
This is the view when you first walk into the apartment. Our tiny living room. Not sure how we're going to fit our furniture in here....but we shall see.

 This is our awesome kitchen! Quite spacious, and with tons of cabinets. I just love it! 
But...that's not the best part.....

 Ta da!! A dishwasher! Mini though it may be, it's totally awesome. And the landlord said it's brand new, because he has to replace the old one that wasn't working. Woohoo!! (oh, and not to mention a full size oven! I'm in heaven!)

 Washer and dryer. Oh yeah!

 Stairs to go....upstairs. Hmmm

 And a few more stairs....

First bedroom (on the right, at the top of the stairs). This is our bedroom. It's quite a bit bigger with a much bigger closet!!

The view with the closet!

 This is the tiny hallway. Bathroom on the left, second bedroom straight across.

 Bathroom!! Complete with a bathtub and hot water! Oh how I am so excited about hot water!!

 Bedroom #2- The Baby's room. Or, as Phil likes to call it, his office. 
Not for long, buddy, this baby is on it's way!!

Another angle of bedroom #2

And that is the end of the tour! I can't wait to move in. Sometime next week, I believe!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

#283: My new favorite shirt

I ordered this online and it came in today!! I was so stoked that I had to put it on right away. I love this shirt!

Monday, December 5, 2011

#284: Boy Meets World Marathon

Today I spent the afternoon watching a BMW marathon with my random friend, Becky!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

#283: Jumping the Gun

I am just so excited about this baby! We find out what we're having in 11 days! I can't wait!

No, like I seriously cannot wait. I want to buy my baby something so bad. But it's too difficult when you don't know what you're having. So today I decided that I will buy two outfits. One for a boy and one for a girl. And I'll just take one back, depending on what we find out we're having!

Aren't they adorable?! I decided this is the outfit I will bring the baby  home in. 
Looking at these two little outfits, I can't decide what I want.
 I want both!!

I suppose if I'm having a girl, I can just give the boy outfit to Heather. We shall see! 
Not too much longer now!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

#282: New outfit for expanding waistline!

My stomach seems to be growing at a rapid rate these days. My theory: I'm pregnant! Haha. Okay, but seriously, what's up with this giant belly now. I know I'm pregnant, but should I be looking so big? Wouldn't it be crazy if there are twins in there?! I know that there's only one, but still. It'd be pretty cool to have two!

Anyway, I finally had to go out and buy new pants for work. And while I was at it, I just bought a whole new outfit. Pretty cute, if you ask me!

Friday, December 2, 2011

#281: Pillow explosion!

Somehow one of our feather pillows exploded! The pillow was under the blankets and all of a sudden Phil got up from bed a little weirded out. This is what we uncovered. I still have no idea what happened to the pillow, but it looked like someone had cut it open. These scratchy feathers were EVERYWHERE!
It was quite comical, but a little annoying. 
Those things are hard to pick up!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

#280: First Frost!

It's definitely getting colder out :-(