Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Place to Call Our Own

Finally! Phil and I have our own place! It is such an amazing feeling to be able to have a home...a place of our very own. It was nice getting to stay at his parents house for the summer. We pretty much had the place to ourselves. Free internet, free cable, free air-conditioning, and lots of free food. But I still felt like a wandering nomad.
And when we would go to visit friends/family on the weekends, we always had to find a place to stay. Luckily we have amazing friends and family that would let us crash with them, but still...I felt like a nomad.

The apartment hunt was not an easy task. Especially with the budget we have. Amazingly, we were able to snag an apartment that has a decent size living room, a pretty big kitchen, a huge bedroom and plenty of closet space! I still can't believe we got such a great deal on this place. Phil said we should get it because it was unlikely we would find anything with so much space for such a little price. So we did!! And I finally got to open up the gifts we got for our wedding shower....way back in April.
I have yet to use it though, because we haven't actually moved in yet. Phil is still finishing up his internship. This is his last week. And then we will be able to actually reside in our new place! I am extremely stoked for the end of the week!

On a different note...I'm beginning to wonder if this whole nursing thing is not for me. Everytime I enroll for classes, or try to get into a program, something always comes up and I am unable to go through with it. Even now, I am enrolled for my pre-reqs for the nursing program, and I am now unable to pay for the classes. And any payment plan that they offer is still too much at this time. Is this God closing the doors for me to go into Nursing? Is it maybe that there is something else out there for me, something that doesn't require more schooling?
Maybe those are just my desires. It would be lovely to not have to go back to school, but to be able to find my dream job.
Sometimes I wonder if that is even possible.

And so we take the good with the bad. I have a place to call my own, but I'm uncertain about what's to come in the next few days/weeks.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Do dream jobs even exist?

Being a grown up and having responsibilities is a bit scary at times. Currently I am still jobless. However, we have taken on a giant expense that is making me very nervous. We recently got an apartment in Springfield and neither one of us have jobs here yet. Phil is still finishing up his internship for school, so we haven't both officially moved in yet. We're still sort of living between places (which is another headache of its own).
So here we are, both with no income and more and more bills accumulating.

I've been struggling lately with the idea of going back to school. Here is my thoughts on that; I want to go back to school for nursing because I think I would love it, there are tons of opportunities for nursing, and I could do medical missions. However, it's more schooling and I'm tired of school. I went to college for four years and got a Bachelor's. It's completely frustrating that I am not able to use my degree. And that's my beef with Lincoln Christian College. I loved the classes there (well, some of them anyway), the professors were great, and I made some amazing friends. Oh, and I met my wonderful husband there! But I'm struggling to find the practicality in the degree that I got.
All I want right now is to find a job that fits my bachelors degree and also fits my passions. Aside from moving to another country and starting an orphanage or something, I can't even begin to think of what it is I would do.
And I fear that I'm going to be stuck in a mediocre job that I'm over-qualified for and that I absolutely hate. I'm tired of jobs that make me miserable and depressed. I want to find my niche, the place where my passions meet up with the needs in the community.

Is that even possible?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

New business, new home?

The past few weeks have pretty much been the exact same thing. I stay home all day while Phil goes to his internship site. I read, I check my email and facebook, I watch some tv, I clean up, once in awhile I'll go run or something. It's all pretty boring.
Phil and I came up with a great idea to ease some of my boredom and to make money. Start my own scrapbooking business. It sounded brilliant! I love scrapbooking, and I love to make money. What better way to utilize those two passions than to make a business of it.
So, I've begun to do the research for this project. Phil gave me a whole list of things that I need to research and figure out before I can actually begin. I told him to just let me loose in hobby lobby and I'd have it all figured out. But, apparently there's a lot more that goes into a business than just simply making the things that I want to make.
I'd prefer he do all the boring business stuff and just let me do the scrapbooking. I'm ready to get to work!

So, that's been my task these last several days. And...I will admit that I've done less research and more buying on ebay. Shhh...don't tell Phil. He probably wouldn't appreciate that too much.
(Just kidding, I have to tell him when I'm buying something).

And now I am in the middle of apartment hunting. We are looking for a place in Springfield, and I have been diligently scouring the internet for open apartments. I'm ready to move NOW! Don't get me wrong, living here is just fine and dandy. But I am so ready to have our own place. And I really want to get to use all of the stuff we got for our wedding shower. It's been like 3 months, and everything is still packed up in its original boxes.
So tomorrow I head to Springfield (without the hubs) to search for a place to call home. Hopefully it will come to pass....!